The mother and stepfather of Jonas Aarseth Henriksen criticize the insurance company Tryg – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Elin Aarseth and stepfather Ivar Borgen believe that Tryg Forsikring worsened the life of their son Jonas Aarseth Henriksen before he was killed. Before his death, Henriksen was involved in an insurance case with Tryg, who believed that he had committed fraud in connection with a fire in his truck. Tryg informed Henriksen that they would demand the insurance money of NOK 685,000 refunded because he had not told about what he described as a joke and a payment in connection with the fire. The family believes that Tryg was aware of the pressure Henriksen was under, and that they treated him badly. Tryg Forsikring rejects the accusations and says that Henriksen was satisfied with the agreement that was concluded. The family has communicated wishes to Tryg regarding changes in their practice, including coverage of costs for counseling for the policyholder, and that minutes of meetings must always be written. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. “Everything I’ve built up, all the hours I’ve spent. Everything has been at stake, because of a joke.” This is how Jonas Aarseth Henriksen concluded his report from the meeting with Tryg Forsikring. This was just over four months before he was killed. news has read the entire report. Henriksen was found murdered at a cabin in Nes in Ådal on 17 August last year. Want them to change their practice Now his mother and stepfather want the insurance company to “change their practice in how they meet people in difficult situations”. Before he died, Henriksen, also known on TikTok as “LastebilJonas”, was involved in an insurance case. Henriksen wrote in his report that Tryg believed that he had “committed betrayal” in connection with the first fire in the truck belonging to his company. It first caught fire in a concrete truck in September 2021, then in a hook truck in February the following year. The day before the first fire, he had joked with a friend that “it would have been best if someone had set the whole thing on fire”. This is what Henriksen writes in a document he has written about the events, which news has gained access to. It is this fire that the dispute with the insurance company is about. Photo: PRIVAT On the day the truck caught fire, Henriksen was called and woken up by a friend. The comrade said that the truck was burnt out. When he arrived at the scene, another man, a colleague, told him that he had paid 20,000 for the fire and that Henriksen had to pay him back. “The guys are waiting,” the colleague had told him, the document states. Henriksen paid as soon as he could. According to the document, he did this because he was afraid. “I figured if someone’s crazy enough to light a truck on fire, they’re crazy enough to come after me if I don’t pay.” He did not tell the insurance company or the police about the payment or what Henriksen described as a joke. Suspect He only did so after the trailer caught fire several months later. The admission made Henriksen suspect of insurance fraud. He was never charged, but two other men were. The case was eventually dropped on the state of the evidence. In this meeting with Henriksen, the meeting where he himself wrote the minutes, Tryg informed them that they would demand the insurance money of NOK 685,000 refunded. The reason that should have been given was that Henriksen did not tell about the joke and the payment, according to the minutes. Withheld money Only weeks before this meeting, Henriksen had been beaten up and his motorbike had been set on fire outside where he lived. The police believe these incidents and several others were ordered by the same person. The man denies criminal guilt. Mother and stepfather believe the insurance company was aware of the pressure he was under. – Jonas was terrified in the dialogue with Tryg. He said he was not afraid of going to jail. He would rather that than lose his insurance, says Elin Aarseth. – Regrettably She and stepfather Ivar Borgen have spent a lot of time on the case against the insurance company. They believe the insurance company treated Henriksen badly and made the time before he was killed worse. They say they don’t want others to end up in the same situation. – Jonas is gone, and he cannot speak for himself. We believe that what the insurance company has done is not right, says Borgen. Press manager at Tryg Forsikring, Ole Irgens, has been exempted from the duty of confidentiality in this case. – We think it is sad that Jonas Aarseth Henriksen’s mother and stepfather convey the impression that Henriksen was treated badly by Tryg. Our impression is the opposite: That Henriksen was relieved after the meeting with Tryg on 13 April 2023, and satisfied with the agreement that was concluded, says Irgens to news. See the full response to Tryg at the bottom of the case. The insurance company estimates the total value of the hook truck and the concrete truck to be NOK 2,442,500. Henriksen and Tryg entered into an agreement in which the entire amount of the tow truck was deducted from the settlement. A year and a half after the last fire, Henriksen was paid just over 1.7 million plus around NOK 230,000 in interest compensation because it took so long. A total of almost 2 million. Jonas Henriksen was exposed to many incidents before the murder. Here vandalism was done to a truck. Conveyed wishes The mother and stepfather have conveyed several wishes to Tryg. They do not want others to end up in the same situation that they believe Henriksen was in. They believe Henriksen did not know what kind of meeting he was entering into. He was met by three representatives from Tryg, and the couple believe that this led to an uneven balance of power. Among other things, they believe that insurance companies should: Cover costs for advice for the policyholder. Do not conduct meetings without the policyholder having a representative present. Always send out invitations with a clear purpose and agenda. Minutes of meetings must always be written. The estate administrator and assistance lawyer for Henriksen’s firm are now in dialogue with the insurance company to assess the case further. Also if one is to go after the sum that was retained, of just under NOK 500,000. – Do you have a financial motive for criticizing Tryg? – For us, it’s not about the money. Although we cannot help Jonas, we have a great desire to contribute to the insurance company changing its practice in how they meet people in difficult situations, says stepfather Borgen. Taking a closer look at the fires The police have stated in connection with the murder investigation that they see several of the events before the murder in connection. – We are looking more closely at those fires, but we are not done with that work, says police attorney Odd Skei Kostveit. This is how Tryg insurance responds: We think it is sad that Jonas Aarseth Henriksen’s mother and stepfather convey the impression that Henriksen was treated badly by Tryg. Our impression is the opposite: That Henriksen was relieved after the meeting with Tryg on 13 April 2023, and satisfied with the agreement that was concluded in connection with the settlement of the fire in two of the cars of Henriksen’s company, Henriksen Solutions AS. Henriksen also wanted his company to continue its customer relationship in Tryg, which was accommodated. Both in the dialogue with Henriksen and in the agreement that was concluded, Tryg tried, as far as possible, to take into account the special situation that Henriksen was in. We believe that the excerpts from the minutes that news publishes do not give a correct impression of the meeting which was held on 13 April 2023. However, Tryg has not been given access to the entire minutes, and therefore chooses not to comment on it further. Tryg has carried out a review of the claims that the company has handled for Henriksen Solutions AS. We have found some minor discrepancies in what are Tryg’s standard procedures for handling such cases, and we have apologized to Henriksen’s mother and stepfather. We emphasize that these deviations are not of such a nature that they have had an impact on Tryg’s compensation payments in the respective cases.
