The most expensive alternative for the National Theater will cost almost 10 billion – news Culture and entertainment

– In order to maintain the National Theatre’s operations, it is necessary to carry out a full rehabilitation of the building which includes the replacement of all technical facilities, states the report from Statsbygg. On Friday morning, Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery presented three options for further rehabilitation of the National Theatre. – All the alternatives for the National Theater are expensive and demanding, said Jaffery. Minister of Culture Lubna Jaffery presented the report from Statsbygg. Photo: Linda Marie Vedeler / news The Minister of Culture says that the government has not made a decision on which alternative they will go for and that the next step is to have a quality assurance of the investigation carried out. – We must return to what we believe is the best solution. This is complicated and costly, says Jaffery to news. Three different options Here are the three solutions: The Tullinløkka solution. It involves a simpler renovation without upgrading the main stage. In the meantime, a modern stage and a smaller stage are being established in a new building on Tullinløkka in central Oslo. This solution will take 18 years. The price estimate is NOK 9.75 billion. Shared solution with upgrade. This solution involves continuing a previously planned upgrade of the main stage. In the meantime, a temporary stage and several secondary stages will be established outside the city centre. The price estimate is NOK 9.3 billion. Shared solution without upgrade. This option also has a temporary stage and secondary stages outside the centre, but is based on simpler renovations without upgrading the main stage in the old building. The price estimate is NOK 6.95 billion. The National Theater is to be upgraded, but which of the three solutions it will be has not yet been decided. Photo: Christopher Isachsen Sandøy / news Think the Tullinløkka solution is the best Tullinløkka is considered to be the best solution for the audience experience, according to Statsbygg. Theater manager Kristian Seltun agrees. – It is important that we can keep operations going during the rehabilitation. The Tullinløkka solution is good because then we can operate there while the rehabilitation is in progress, says Seltun. Theater manager at the Nationaltheatret, Kristian Seltun, hopes the Tullinløkka alternative will be a solution. Photo: Heather Ørbeck Eliassen / news The Planning and Building Agency in Oslo municipality is, on the other hand, critical of the government’s desire to build a new theater stage at Tullinløkka. They believe the area is not suitable for theater purposes. Dilapidation for several years For many years, the staff at the National Theater have asked for the building to be rehabilitated. – The biggest drama at the Nationaltheatret takes place all year and is free to experience: the decay of the building, writes the Nationaltheatret on its own website. For several years, employees at the National Theater have been asking for rehabilitation. Photo: Lise Åserud Correction: In an earlier version of this matter, news wrote that the most expensive solution for rehabilitating the National Theater would cost NOK 8 billion. It’s wrong. In a later version, it was corrected to 9.75 billion, which is the correct estimate. Published 28.06.2024, at 10.06 Updated 28.06.2024, at 12:48 p.m
