The Moon Festival in Fredrikstad cuts the meat – gets pepper – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Next week, the Moon Festival starts in the Old Town in Fredrikstad. But this year it has been moonlighting long before the first note is played. The apple of the dispute is that this year the festival has chosen to collaborate with the Oslo Vegetarian Festival. This means that it will only be plant-based food for both the audience and artists. – We have always emphasized being a festival that takes environmental considerations into account since we started in the year 2000. It is part of our profile, says festival director Torill Frydenlund to news. Against “ruminants” But the decision has become a hot potato in the local newspaper Fredriksstad Blad. People have gone bananas in the comment fields and think that the festival manager is a slob and that Månefestivalen has stepped on the salad: “It’s perfectly fine that people are vegans, but why should people who aren’t be forced to eat vegan food??”, is one of over 1,000 comments on the local newspaper’s Facebook pages. Another writes: “Can’t the ruminants eat until they come, so they can serve meat to those who want it.” Can you have that fat at the festival without animal proteins? The debate is raging in Fredrikstad. Photo: Marianne Løkkevik Ekeberg / news Daniel Lauritsen is one of several who have reacted to the meatless menu. “No thank you! I want food. I’ve tried various vegetarian foods, and 95% taste absolutely terrible!”, he writes on Facebook. The 32-year-old explains to news that he himself tried to be a vegetarian a few years ago, but quickly found out that he needed meat in his diet to stay fit. – It is good that someone dares to try something new, but it is clear that it will not be popular. Most people probably want meat, he says. Lauritsen thinks people may sneak food in their backpacks, or go to the restaurants in the local area. – Those who want to go to a festival, go to a festival. But I’m guessing that the restaurant owners near the Moon Festival are rubbing their hands together now. Festival director Frydenlynd takes it with crushing calm that she has teased many. – It is very fun that it has created so much commitment. And that we have provoked so many with such an innocent move. And then it is uncertain whether it is those who are actually going to the festival who have commented on this, says Frydelund, who refuses to bite into the sour apple and reintroduce meat on the menu. Had you survived a festival weekend without meat? Clearly! Plant-based is the name. What? No! Sausages and hamburgers for the people. Yes. But had filled up with meat both before and after the festival. Show result Eggs and rotten tomatoes Frydenlund believes the critics are on the wrong side and is sure that those who will deliver the vegetarian food will fix the steak and that the public will love it. – I think it will be fantastic food, probably much better than what many other festivals have with their boring burgers and sausages without quality. I can promise that, she says apple pie. This is not the first time a vegetarian menu has been met with rotten tomatoes. The University of Bergen cut out the meat on the Christmas table in 2019. The case was debated in Dagsnytt 18 and Frps Bård Hoksrud thought the decision was a sign of “extreme political correctness”. More than grass Vegetarian food blogger Mari Hult believes that the criticism Månefestivalen gets is just blueberries. She supports the meat cut. – It is brave and cool and one hundred percent in time. I think it’s tough of the festival to show that they are serious about their environmental profile, even if it means potentially unpopular decisions, she says. In 2019, vegan gut food blogger Mari Hult ended up in 88th place on the Nation’s list of those with the most power in Agricultural Norway. Photo: Erik Sæter Jørgensen – They also have a fantastic player involved in the food sales. It is not the case that people will be eaten with green lettuce leaves and grass. – Do you have any advice for those who absolutely do not want vegetarian food at the festival? – They have to give it a try. I think there are so many prejudices left that are not true. I have looked at those players a bit, and they are top things they come up with. Criticized by women The Moon Festival has previously made other controversial choices. Like when in 2014 they only invited female artists. That experience they can reap the fruits of now that they are in the storm again. Fortunately, the festival director can tempt the vegetarian skeptics with a musical carrot or two. Great artists like Kvelertak, Madrugada and – maybe the raisin in the vegetarian sausage – Travis will perform. And even if there is turnip meat on the festival site, it will still be possible to be on the grape or even get a pear full.
