The moments that could bring down Biden – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Joe Biden (81) was for a long time the self-described candidate for the Democrats. As the sitting president, you have an advantage. Then he agreed to a debate against Donald Trump, failed on live TV and the house of cards began to crumble. But the danger signals about the aging president had come earlier. “Sleepy Joe” The Trump camp also referred to him as “Sleepy Joe” before the election campaign in 2020. Photo: Screenshot twitter But Donald Trump is only four years younger, and the argument about an aging Biden was not enough to prevent a victory for the Democrats in 2020 More cases Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021. He was then 78 years old. His ailing physique quickly became apparent. Like when he tripped on the flight stairs already in March of the same year. Since then, the cases have increased. He fell off his bike after a morning ride with his wife Jill in the summer of 2022, and he tripped during a graduation ceremony at America’s largest Air Force combat academy. FALL: US President Joe Biden fell to the ground after a graduation ceremony for cadets in the US Air Force. Trump has been eager to share these videos, often with some sarcastic comments. But politically, the president has remained standing. However, there should be other information that hits harder. Biden’s memory mentioned in report At the start of 2023, several secret documents were found in Biden’s home. An investigation was launched. In February this year, the conclusion came about the documents that originated from Biden’s time as vice president. Joe Biden had kept and “deliberately” shared confidential information when he was a private person, but there was no basis for criminal proceedings. But the good news for Biden came with an aftertaste. Special investigator Robert Hur referred to Biden as “a likeable, well-intentioned elderly gentleman with a bad memory”. BIDEN HIT: Special investigator Robert Hur said there was no basis for criminal proceedings against Biden, but he also came up with a description of the president’s poor memory. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP The report referred to several cases. Among other things, Biden is said to have forgotten when his own son died of a brain tumor. – He did not remember, not even remotely, when his son Beau died, Hur wrote in the report. This prompted Biden to urgently call a press conference. – How the hell dares he bring this up, he thundered at the press conference. – I am the best qualified person in the country to be president, he stated. Said he had spoken to Kohl In February, Biden also messed up several times with names. At an election meeting in New York, he told about a conversation he had had with “Germany’s Helmut Kohl” at the G7 meeting in 2021. The only problem was that in 2021 Kohl had already been dead for four years. Kohl was Germany’s Prime Minister from 1982 to 1998 and passed away in 2017, aged 87. The meeting Biden was referring to was the G7 meeting in Cornwall in 2021, and the person he was actually referring to was the then leader of Germany, Angela Merkel. MESSED UP WITH NAMES: Biden said he had met Helmut Kohl, but should have said Angela Merkel. At the time of the meeting Biden referred to, Kohl had been dead for four years. The picture with Kohl and Merkel is from 2010. Photo: Michael Sohn / AP A few days before, Biden attended an election meeting in Las Vegas. He was supposed to talk about how French President Emmanuel Macron reacted when he won over Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Instead, he mentioned François Mitterrand, who was president of France from 1981 to 1995. Mitterrand already died in 1996, aged 79. The debate against Trump Despite the mess of names and unsteady gait, Biden was in an apparently secure position as the Democrats’ candidate at the start of the summer. Then he agreed to meet Trump for a debate. The live televised debate was a disaster for Biden. He seemed tired, lost the thread of his reasoning and his facial expressions seemed stiff. – It almost looked as if he had one foot in the grave. I think this shocked a lot of voters who don’t pay close attention. So this was a bad night for Biden, US expert Eirik Løkke told news. FATAL: Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Atlanta. Photo: Brian Snyder / Reuters Biden later explained that he had been tired, but that he would get up and fight back. But instead, the problems have piled up for Biden. Mixed names at the NATO summit The NATO summit in New York was an occasion where Biden could shine as the world’s most important leader. Instead, two unfortunate blunders are remembered. When he was supposed to introduce Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, he managed to say Putin instead. He quickly rectified this, but the slip was damaging for a hard-pressed president. At a press conference an hour later, it happened again. Then Vice President Harris was called Trump. The error did not go unnoticed on Trump’s own social media platform, Truth Social: – Thug Joe begins his “Big Boy” press conference by saying: “I would not have chosen Vice President Trump as Vice President.” Good job, Joe!, Trump wrote. NAME CHANGE: Twice in a short time things went wrong for Biden in connection with the NATO summit. Disturbing descriptions The unrest among the Democrats is growing. There are still leaks about Biden’s health. The inner circle around Biden is accused of keeping things hidden. In recent video meetings, Biden has also appeared to rely on notes, according to the Wall Street Journal. During a speech in Las Vegas on Tuesday, he also struggled to read from a teleprompter, the newspaper writes. There are elections in the USA on 5 November, and on 19 August the Democrats will formally nominate their presidential candidate. Party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama believe, according to the Washington Post, that Biden’s chances of winning are about to disappear. He should now be out among the people to gather voters. Instead, Biden is at home with covid. Published 20.07.2024, at 12.58
