The Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness wants young offenders in Oslo to be sentenced more quickly – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Young people who commit crime must be met with a quick reaction, says Minister for Justice and Emergency Emilie Mehl (Sp). She is now asking for an investigation to be able to judge young offenders in Oslo more quickly. – Several have pointed to the need to facilitate faster processing of cases against young offenders. For us, it has been important to listen to these signals. It is the Court Administration, in collaboration with the Directorate of Police, the Directorate of Correctional Services, the Attorney General and the Secretariat for the Conflict Councils, that will prepare the report. – Fast criminal proceedings will be able to help prevent relapse and recruitment into criminal networks, says Mehl. Great burden for those involved Mehl points out that it is a great burden for both victims and relatives when it takes a long time for someone to be sentenced. – There is also a risk of young people committing new offences, so there must be a quick reaction. The report must be delivered by the end of the year. It will form a basis for further follow-up in the ministry.
