The Ministry of Defense denies that the British have established a military base in Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

8 March 2023 at 13:53 The Ministry of Defense denies that the British have established a military base in Norway The British presence in Camp Viking in Øverbygd in Troms is a camp and not a military base, the Ministry of Defense maintains. The AFP news agency reported on Wednesday that the British Navy recently opened the Camp Viking military base in Øverbygd in Troms. But the claim is wrong, according to the Ministry of Defence. Camp Viking is not a British base, the ministry emphasizes to NTB. – The camp referred to in the article was established a few years ago when the Åsegarden camp outside Harstad was closed down as an allied training centre. In other words, what appears in the article is neither anything new nor in any way a breach of Norwegian base policy, the ministry writes in an email to NTB.
