The ministry asks NVE to speed up the construction of power lines – news Vestland

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy asks NVE to look at a “fast track” for network construction for projects that have “little or no conflict in them”. – There are several measures that can and should be implemented to achieve faster grid development, says Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap). Behind the initiative lies the report “Nett i tide”, which the Straumnettutvalet (also known as the Nakstad committee and the tempo committee) published in June. According to the selection, the waiting time for new regional and national power lines is between 7 and 14 years. Time use which, according to the selection, is an obstacle to establishing battery factories, breeding facilities, data centres, infrastructure for ammonia and hydrogen production, CO₂ storage, charging facilities for ferries and buses and rapid chargers for electric cars. In Western Norway, business parks in Mongstad, in Skipavik, Kollsnes and Ågotnes have for a long time been “screaming” for power and lines to carry it forward. NVE responds Inga Nordberg, director of the energy and licensing department in NVE – NVE has received an assignment from OED in which we are asked to assess whether it is possible to simplify the governance process, and under this that a “fast-track” for the processing of small and/or simple matters are further developed. We are busy working as efficiently as possible and will assess more closely what is suitable for simpler treatment. At the same time, we must safeguard democratic processes where it is important. One measure that can contribute to simplification is to go a little further in separating out smaller and simpler cases in order to process them in a separate fast track, says Energy Minister Terje Aasland. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news – Radical measures are absolutely necessary – It is high time that the minister took the spoon in another hand. Here in Western Norway, there are power developments that already have a licence, but where the grid capacity will not arrive for another 5 years, says the parliamentary representative for Høgre, Ove Trellevik. The report from the online committee is out for consultation, with a deadline of 30 September. In the hearing record for Industri Energi, it is stated that “industrial companies all over the country are being held back by a lack of power and networks”, and that “the Storting and the government do not sufficiently take on board the seriousness of the situation”. Daily leader of Nordhordland Næringslag, Baste Tveito, says radical measures and faster network development are “absolutely necessary to reach the climate goals and further develop the industry”. – No matter how much we “polish” the current system, it will not be able to meet the needs quickly enough, he says. This is what they say about a fast track for network construction Gisle Ledel Johannessen, Equinor – Licensing processes linked to the construction of new power lines and taking new land into use on behalf of society at large are both time-consuming and extensive. It is therefore important that all relevant parties and interests are involved and heard. We think it is a positive signal that both the Strømnettsutvalget and the minister are advocating to simplify case processing and thereby reduce rental times – without compromising on quality and involvement. Rune Indrøy, executive vice president for Communications and public relations in Eviny – We support the idea of ​​”fast track” to speed up network development. Today’s license processing takes an unnecessary amount of time, and we believe that a lot can be achieved by increasing case processing capacity in NVE, allowing parts of the licensing process to be done in parallel processes rather than the time-consuming step-by-step processes that are the current practice. We also believe that the network companies must be given a more proactive role so that they can facilitate new industrial activity at the forefront. The problem is that the lease period for network development is much longer than the time it takes to develop new industry, and we are in danger of missing out on value creation and jobs. Elisabeth Vike Vardheim, Executive Vice President Nett, Statnett – Statnett has extensive development plans in the coming years. We see that there is a great need for grid development for comprehensive plans for electrification and business development. The pace of network development, together with access to more renewable power, will be central to getting more industry in place in the coming years. Faster licensing processes, which at the same time maintain a good dialogue with the relevant parties, will be a prerequisite for us to facilitate the green change of pace. Kristin H. Lind, director of Energi Noreg – Energi Noreg has previously recorded the need for a “fast-track” when it comes to developing and strengthening the power grid. We are therefore very positive about the minister’s order for NVE. We have already proposed several measures that will cut down on the time spent on case processing, and thus provide more net in a shorter time than today. Helge André Njåstad, FRP – Fast track is all well and good. We spend far too long on case processing in Norway. This is particularly important for new establishments in districts etc. Having said that, I think we should be honest that there will not necessarily be enough available power for all possible projects in the years to come. We should prioritize giving power to value-creating industry rather than wasting on particularly energy-demanding measures such as electrification of the shelf with electricity from shore, which in the next few years will drain a further 10–15 TWh of power. Tor Andre Ljosland (KrF), Leader of the main committee for industry in Vestland county – It is a paradox that the decision-making time takes longer than the construction time. That is why we have long been eager for faster processing of cases, so this is completely in line with what we have wanted. Sofie Marhaug, Raudt – What is probably as important as rapid processing is stricter political prioritization. We should not say yes to data centers that produce crypto. Then there is probably room for faster treatment, but I would warn against hastily treating controversial developments that face great popular opposition. Frode Alfheim, confederation leader for Industry Energy – It makes no sense that all grid developments should end up in the same pile. The pace has to pick up and then some form of fast track is in order. – Demanding conflicts with natural values ​​- I would like to praise the minister for listening to our wishes, says the mayor of Vestland county, Jon Askeland (Sp). Earlier this year, he advocated that NVE must learn how to handle power concessions for “maximum ten weeks”. A proposal that received a lukewarm reception: – It is absolutely necessary to pick up the pace, but we must take seriously the fact that there can be demanding conflicts between natural values ​​and the desire to have more power developed and performed, said Alfred Bjørlo (V). The Small Power Association has previously criticized NVE for spending an “unbelievably long time” handling licensing matters. – Encouragements are all well and good. But the minister must do more. He must instruct his directorate (NVE, jou. note), says Knut Olav Tveit, who is head of the Small Power Association to news. The head of industrial policy in Bergen Næringsråd, Tom-Christer Nilsen, says the same: – It is gratifying to have encouragement, but the minister must instruct NVE if there is to be any speed in it, he says. In Western Norway, business parks in Mongstad (pictured), in Skipavik, Kollsnes and Ågotnes have for a long time been “screaming” for power and lines to carry it forward. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB Statnett will help to pick up the pace Last year, Statnett received 172 applications for network connection. In comparison, the company received 5 applications for connection in 2016. Executive director of Statnett, Elisabeth Vike Vardheim, tells news that the company is working to establish “ten area plans where we look at the overall needs and necessary measures in the network for larger geographical regions”. – This will contribute to increased predictability, which is again necessary to be able to plan and realize a new network both faster and more efficiently. We are also looking at other measures that will help to pick up the pace.
