The million claim against Bendik Hammer (20) is waived – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I was a little moved. It was so unexpected. Fortunately, it ended as orderly as it did between both parties, says Bendik Hammer. The Russian bus company Din Buss AS, which demanded over one million kroner from ex-Russian Bendik Hammer (20), has waived the claim. Aftenbladet writes that. – It was probably because they realized that they did not want to spend the last day in court and see what the outcome was, says Hammer’s lawyer Sjur Løbø Solhaug. – Have you experienced this before, that a claim has been waived in the middle of a court case? – It probably happens from time to time, but not very often, says Løbø Solhaug. This is what the Fjellstua 2022 bus looked like after the fire on 2 April last year. Photo: Otto Leidland – Completely unreal The trial between Hammer and Din Buss started in Eigersund courthouse on Monday, but on the second day of the trial, the Russebus company waived its claim. As a consequence, Hammer’s counterclaim was also waived. – I found out about this a little earlier today. It was completely unreal, and not how I imagined it would end, says Bendik Hammer. On the night of 2 April 2022, Bendik Hammer and his friends’ Russian celebration had just started. On the way home to Eigersund, however, something happened that could have taken the lives of several young people. Their Russian bus “Fjellstua 2022” caught fire. All the young people luckily got out of the bus unscathed, but they could do nothing but watch as it burned to the ground. The bus, which was owned by the Russian group itself, was completely damaged. The bus also had a light and sound system, which was rented by the company DinBuss AS. The claim was adjusted down A facility the Russian group had not been allowed to insure. Insurance companies will not insure buses or equipment for the Russians. There was not much left of the Russian bus for Bendik Hammer and the Russian group. Photo: Johan Mihle Laugaland / news DinBuss, which subleased this light and sound system for a Dutch actor, demanded NOK 1.5 million in compensation. Hammer made a counterclaim, in which he demanded compensation from DinBuss AS. He also claimed to be acquitted of the claim from DinBuss. Later, the claim for Din Buss was adjusted down to just over one million kroner. According to the company, it was after they received their claim from the Dutch operator. Three days were set aside for the trial, which began on Monday. But after a break towards the end of day two, it became known that Din Buss had waived its claim against Hammer. Bendik Hammer’s Russian group can now celebrate that the claim against them has been waived. Photo: Private To be celebrated It means that a tough year, where a million claim has hung over him, is now over. – It was as I said to the other boys on the Russian bus: I am completely speechless. I can’t get the words out. It’s an unreal feeling. Now they will celebrate. – Now it’s shorts, beer and bubbles. We will celebrate this, says Hammer. news has tried to get hold of Din Buss AS, so far without success. They did not want to comment on the case to Aftenbladet.
