The management takes self-criticism for the staffing crisis at the AMK central in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Sunday, news wrote that the AMK center in Oslo called its employees to a crisis meeting on Monday. Crisis staff have also been set up. The management informed the employees about this in an SMS. It also stated long-term problems with staffing and that “ordering will have to be implemented”. This means that the employer can force the employees to work. Approaching irresponsible operation – To be clear – we have not yet ordered any. We have told the employees that we are considering using orders if necessary. This is what clinic manager Stephen Sollid told news on Monday afternoon. At 3pm on Monday, employees, management and union representatives met at Ullevål. – This is a complex problem, which has peaked in the last week. Especially at the weekend, when we were so low on staffing that we hardly had proper operations, says Sollid. Stephen Sollid is head of the prehospital clinic at OUS. Photo: Hanne Høyland / news He tells of a large increase in the number of inquiries to AMK in Oslo and Akershus. The employees are under a lot of pressure when they are at work. – The work they do is tough and taxing. We have fallen behind in how we have taken care of our employees, says the clinic manager to news. Now Sollid takes self-criticism for how the situation has ended. – And that both for me and for my predecessors, in how we have managed to follow up the development we are in. But this is a complex issue where it has been difficult to adapt, he adds. At the AMK central, calls to the emergency number 113 are answered, among other things. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Thinks the management needs to step in. Aina Stenersen, deputy leader of the Frp’s city council group in Oslo, tells news that she reacted strongly when she heard about the staffing crisis. – We are completely dependent on 113 and the service they offer. – I thought that measures must be put in place immediately, so that the employees feel safe at work, that they have enough competence and that they have the management behind them. Aina Stenersen in the FRP’s city council group. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Stenersen also believes that the recruitment process at the AMK center has gone far too slowly. – Here the management has to get on the carpet at once. The employees have given notice over a very long period. This is not an unknown situation, she says. A predicted crisis When asked if the staffing situation has lasted for a while, and that the crisis was expected, Sollid answers yes. – You can say that it is. This is a crisis that has built up gradually. He now says that the management is dependent on cooperation from the employees. – We can take measures and have plans for new buildings, but if the employees are not interested in joining the journey there, we will not be able to do this, says Sollid.
