The majority believes Princess Märtha Louise must stop representing the royal family – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In a recent opinion poll conducted by Norstat for news, the majority give a clear message to Princess Märtha Louise: She must stop representing the royal house. To the question “what do you think about Princess Märtha Louise having official duties for the royal house?”, 51 percent answered that they think she should stop doing that. Only 13 percent respond that they think it is fine. Historian Trond Norén Isaksen believes the gap between those who believe Princess Märtha Louise must stop representing, and those who are positive that she has jobs for the royal house, is remarkable. – This shows that people believe there is a need to create a greater distance between Princess Märtha Louise and what she and her fiance do, and the workings of the royal household. That is the clear signal to the king, says historian Trond Norén Isaksen. – In addition, it is a sign of a lack of trust in the princess. This is how the measurement was made Norstat has carried out the survey on behalf of news. The questions have been answered in the period from Tuesday 20 September to Friday 23 September. The survey was conducted among 1,000 people over the age of 18 in a representative sample in Norway. – Seems divisive There has been a storm surrounding Princess Märtha Louise and her royal work recently. Earlier this month, news was able to tell that the Epilepsy Association chose to end its collaboration with the princess in 2020. The association believed that several statements from her boyfriend, now engaged, Durek Verrett conflicted with their values ​​and ethics. Since then, several associations have done the same, while others have asked Princess Märtha Louise to now clarify her view on alternative treatment, and clarify whether she supports Verrett’s statements. In a video on Instagram this summer, Durek Verrett told his more than 260,000 followers that he had refused hospital treatment and instead used a medallion to recover from corona. Photo: Screenshot from Durek Verrett’s Instagram Verrett has received criticism after several controversial statements on health issues. Most recently this summer, when he claimed a medallion helped him recover from corona infection. The royal family should be unifying, but the princess divides, Tor Bomann-Larsen believes. Photo: Geirr Larsen / news – I think this is more about the occult phenomena she is associated with, than about the princess herself. I don’t think it is directly aimed at her, but a majority of the Norwegian people distance themselves from the occult, superstitious, perhaps bordering on what they perceive as fraud, says royal biographer Tor Bomann-Larsen about the opinion poll. – The Royal House must represent us all. It is not difficult to see that she represents a small minority. In a sense, she does not seem unifying, but divisive, and that is a warning signal to the royal house. One in six has a more negative view of the royal house The new survey also reveals that one in six has had a more negative view of the royal house in the past year. Almost all of them base it on Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett. It is the majority of those aged 18–39 who have gained a more positive view of the royal family in the past year. Most of them justify it with Princess Ingrid Alexandra. Most people aged 40–59 have a more negative view of the royal family. When they have to justify why, the reasons are mainly related to Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett. – A signal the royal house must take very seriously Despite still high support for the royal house, the 17 percent is a signal that the royal house must take very seriously, Norén Isaksen believes. – The royal family exists at the mercy of the people, and the people’s support is absolutely crucial for them. The entire foundation for this royal house is that King Haakon was elected by the people in his time. A royal house that does not have the support of the people has no legitimacy. – You hear expressions like “charlatan” and “quackery” mentioned in the same sentence as the royal family, and that is a problem for the integrity of the royal house. And in the long run, they cannot live with their integrity being called into question. Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett both attended the celebration of Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th birthday this summer. It was the first time they appeared together in Norway after the engagement. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB – Must find a solution that does not undermine the integrity of the royal house When the royal couple commented on the criticism of their future son-in-law Durek Verrett for the first time last month, King Harald said that they will talk to him, and that they are in a process. – There is no acute threat to the royal house as such, but the investigation is a sign that you have to take this seriously, and that you have to find a good solution to these problems so that they no longer contribute to weakening the integrity of the royal house, says Norén Isaksen. – Part of the royalist bedrock is angry now, says Trond Norén Isaksen. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – What do you think needs to be done now to find a solution that provides sufficient peace of mind? – The two alternatives I can see are, firstly, that she stops representing the royal family altogether. But I’m not sure if that’s enough, as she already does it quite rarely, says Norén Isaksen. – The other option is for her to renounce her princess title. Then she is free to do what she wants within the limits of the law, while you can no longer say that it is a problem for the royal family. Yes, she will still be the king’s daughter, but then it is clear and obvious that she has no formal function in the royal house. The Royal House does not wish to comment on what emerges in the opinion poll. Nor does Princess Märtha Louise want to comment on the matter.
