The local community about the murder of Aina Hynne – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It was very, very difficult to go into the store today. Hege Moen Andersen, manager of the sports shop at Kirkenær in Grue, feels bad feelings after the Grue murder. Before her, Aina Hynne (75), who ran the shop for several years, was killed. Moen Andersen took over the sports business from her two and a half years ago. Hynne has been a figurehead for the village, explains Moen Andersen, and her murder affects the entire local community. – I think everyone thinks this is absolutely terrible, and that it is completely incomprehensible that it has happened, she says. On Monday, several people visited the shop with flowers and lit candles. – We have been to the shop here and talked about Aina. All the good she has done and that it will be strange, says Moen Andersen. MURDERED: Aina Hynne was found murdered in Grue. She worked in a sports shop for several years. Photo: iSolø Always stood up Moen Andersen describes Aina Hynne as very kind and committed to the local community. – If there were any charity events here in Grue, she always said that “I can take part in that, because I’m at home anyway”. Nor has she seen obstacles in things, says Moen Andersen. She has also been a good resource for the store, and has stood up when they have needed it, she explains. – So I know that everyone who talks about Aina only says good things. There were an incredible number of people who knew Aina and knew who she was, especially because she ran a sports shop in the city centre, explains Moen Andersen. – So there are many affected in this case here, who think this is absolutely cruel, she says. HORRIFIED: Hairdresser Anika Ruud knew the murder victim well. She describes Aina as a hard worker and a caring lady. Photo: Arne Sørenes / news Woman with a lot of care Hairdresser Anika Ruud has run the salon AR hair and design for many years, and had premises close to where Aina Hynne worked. Anika is also head of the Grue trade and business forum – and she says that the two have been in the local business community together for many decades, and that they knew each other very well. – She was a lady with a bone in her nose and she was straight forward, with a lot of care. She was a hard worker, and with a big heart for the local community in Kirkenær. INTERESTED IN SOCIETY: Aina Hynne got involved in business and sports. The local community describes her as a firebrand. Photo: Isolø Anika also points out that she was purposeful, and full of love, a fiery soul who loved those around her. The day after it happened, Anika had little desire to go to work, she says. – I have never refused before in this way. You get sick when you hear things like that. You don’t think it should happen in such small places. She says the murder affects the rural community hard. – I think the whole local community is affected. Aina was a person that everyone knew. – State of shock Mayor Rune Grenberg also says that the incident hurts the residents. The first reactions have been a state of shock that spreads throughout the village. MAYOR: Rune Grenberg says they are doing everything they can to take care of the next of kin after the murder of Aina Hynne. Photo: Arne Sørenes / news After it became known who the victim is, the reactions have become even more numerous, he says. – She is a well-known person in the Grue community. There are even more people who feel great emotions. But of course it is the next of kin who are hardest hit. The mayor goes on to say that the local community tries to put up as much as possible. – The municipalities have connected their crisis team. And otherwise we do what we can to assist. Many have also appreciated the fact that we have opened the church. Anyone can visit Hege Moen Andersen says the local residents talk to each other about what has happened. The store is open to everyone, so people can come in and just be there. She says they are well taken care of, and that they have a good dialogue with the police. – We thank you for all the messages and all the support.
