“The light in us all” by Michelle Obama – Reviews and recommendations

The timing could hardly have been better. On the eve of the pandemic, in the middle of the Putin war, in mid-November, her second book, “The light in us all”, comes out. As an answer to the call for a bit of light and inspiration in everyday life. This is the sequel to the sales success “Becoming Michelle Obama”, in Norwegian: “Min historie”. It told how she went from growing up in a rough neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, via prestigious education and top jobs, to ending up as first lady in the White House. The starting point for the sequel is more difficult. The solution has been to be found in a kind of hybrid form. Recipe for coping with adversity “The light in us all” is part autobiography, part self-help book. Here you get Michelle Obama’s life tips, the recipe for how to cope with adversity and trials. Illustrated by educational anecdotes from her own life. The message in the book is clear and American: You are good enough! Believe in yourself! We know her success story. In a familiar way, it is balanced with confidences about vulnerability and outsiderness, and doubts about one’s own abilities. Although she can be perceived as a superwoman, she confides in us her weaknesses. Obama says that she could lie awake at night because she feels that she is not enough. HUMBLE AND POLITE: Michelle Obama had to learn to tone down her engagement to deal with political enemies. Photo: Andrew Harnik / Ap Hevelse makes champion Naturally, she has been exposed to racism, sexism. Moreover, she was far too tall, 180 cm at the age of sixteen. By her political enemies, she is called over-ambitious, hot-tempered. She is “Mad as hell-Michelle”. She learns that she must tone down her temper and commitment, as a tactical move. She gets more done by being quiet and polite. She launches the slogan When they go low, we go high. That is, do not lower yourself to their level. Rise above it! A good life tip. And something that is naturally easier said than done in the political mudslinging that is American politics. Chatter and political speeches The style here varies from the political speech to the talk show confidence, it alternates between the grandiose and the intimate. The language is peppered with telling comparisons. Here there are storms you must brave, journeys you must embark on and hills and mountains to climb. Or as in this quote: It is noticeable that she has been helped by her professional speechwriters. And characterized by close confidences and political oratory bodes well for the audiobook version. Sometimes I think the emotional pep talk and the concrete imagery get a little out of hand: This is possibly a nice thought and, probably, a good message, in a formulation that lurches and limps. Best when she is concrete Michelle Obama is not bad as a political speaker and life coach. But what I like best are the specific episodes and anecdotes. For example, I will remember her sitting and panic shopping online in the first weeks of the pandemic. In addition to canned goods and toilet paper, she discovers that she has ordered a couple of knitting needles. Then Michelle Obama simply sits and knits her way out of the first pandemic apathy. And of course she gets a never-so-small piece of life advice from this anecdote as well. About how it can be nice to carry out simple, concrete tasks when the world is out of order, which it always is. Paying tribute to the popular I don’t think I’m revealing too much if I reveal that none of the life advice in the book is particularly original. But how original do you really want your life advice? Take care of your friends, keep your family together. Work hard, loyally and purposefully. Find the right balance between reason and feeling. Find joy in the little things. And cultivate your relationship with your partner, whether he’s president or not. This is a tribute to solid, folk American virtues: determination, hard work, and togetherness. The belief in progress and hard work, despite the fact that it may seem hopeless. The integrity saves the project “The light in us all” could easily have gone to the bottom in pompous political rhetoric, inspirational slogans and talk show gibberish. And it almost does, at times. But what saves the project, for me, is simply the personality of Michelle Obama that shines through, her integrity. She is, after all, a former US First Lady. A first lady who has not forgotten where she comes from. news reviewer: Illustration: Kagge Forlag Title: Lyset i oss alle Author: Michelle Obama Translated by: Lene Stokseth Publisher: Kagge forlag Genre: Non-fiction Number of pages: 336 Date: 15 November 2022 WATCH ON news TV: Enthusiasm was great when the USA got its first black president and first lady. And they made history, both as a team and individually. Watch the episode about Michelle Obama in the series “Legendary First Ladies”. Hello! My name is Ola Hegdal, and I read and review books for news. Preferably crime and suspense literature, or non-fiction. Feel free to read my review of “The Anomaly” by Hervé Le Tellier, “You are a farmer” by Kristin Auestad Danielsen or “The Night Runner” by Karin Fossum.
