The left will ask for new investigations of Brenna – Latest news – news

8 March 2024 at 20:49 The Liberals will ask for new investigations into Brenna Grunde Almeland (V) says the party will ask the control and constitutional committee to open new investigations into Labor Minister Tonje Brenna (Ap). He says this to TV 2, in connection with the fact that it became known on Friday that the Ministry of Education has sent over new documents to the committee. – While it is of course good that the information is sent over to us, it is demanding that new information constantly appears, he says to the channel. Almeland is the chairperson of the committee. He believes that new investigations are needed to see whether the obligation to provide information has been breached. Høyre is also opening new investigations after the new documents appeared. – That makes it increasingly relevant to investigate whether Brenna has fulfilled its obligation to provide information to the Storting, says Peter Frølich (H), head of the control committee, to DN. In the past, both MDG and Frp have advocated a new investigation, writes the newspaper.
