The last day of the ceasefire on the Gaza Strip – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is on its fourth day and what was supposed to be its last day. The cease-fire agreement meant, among other things, that several trucks with emergency aid were to enter the approximately 2.4 million inhabitants of Gaza. Maayan Zin hugs her daughters, Dafna Elyakim and Ela Elyakim after they were released from captivity yesterday. Photo: TELEGRAM/PRIVAT Not least 50 Israeli hostages were to be released against 150 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. But on Sunday, Hamas asked for the ceasefire to be extended, in exchange for several hostages being released. There is still a long way between such an extension and a lasting ceasefire, underlines researcher at NOREF and author Marte Heian-Engdal. Researcher Marte Heian-Engdal says an extension of the ceasefire is not unlikely, but has little faith that it will be permanent. Photo: Mats Bakken/NOREF – At best, there will be a short-term expansion, and then the war will start up again in full swing. I think that is most likely, she says to news. Negotiating an extension Earlier today, Israel responded to Hamas by referring to the original agreement that for every tenth Israeli hostage outside the 50, the ceasefire must be extended by one more day. On Monday morning, Egyptian authorities state that Egypt and Qatar are approaching an agreement that will extend the ceasefire by two days. If the agreement goes through, a further 20 hostages and 60 Palestinian prisoners will be released. Several Palestinian prisoners were released in connection with the ceasefire and have been reunited with their families. TELEGRAM/EYE ON PALESTINE Pressure on Israel Israel has faced increasing pressure from the international community and state leaders who are asking for the ceasefire to be extended. US President Joe Biden, who since the outbreak of war has stood by Israel’s side, is one of those who have advocated an extended ceasefire. – Our goal is that the humanitarian pause lasts longer than until Monday, so that we can see that more hostages come out and that more emergency aid comes in, said Biden. On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Gaza to meet Israeli soldiers, where he said, among other things, that the war is not over until Israel wins. Photo: Avi Ohayon / AP At the same time, the EU’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borell, is asking for the ceasefire to be extended and made enforceable, so that work can be done in parallel towards a political solution. But according to Heian-Engdal, there is no lasting ceasefire in sight. – The demanding ground operation will continue with undiminished strength. The hostages are one part of the equation, while the other, military objective is to wipe out Hamas as a military force and governance structure, says Heian-Engdal. – Has gone according to plan Førebels, today it is expected that the last 11 of the 50 Israeli hostages will be released. Al-Jazeera and other news agencies report that Israel and Hamas will have objections to names on the lists, and that this has delayed the process. So far, Hamas has released 39 Israeli and 20 foreign hostages. 117 of the 150 Palestinian prisoners, women and children, are also released. Heian-Engdal says the last couple of days in Gaza have gone more or less according to plan. – There have been skirmishes, but the fact that the skirmishes have not led to major crimes shows that there is a great will on the part of both parties to carry out the humanitarian pause and the exchange of prisoners.
