The Labor Party and the Conservative Party will govern Troms together – news Troms and Finnmark

The Labor Party and the Conservative Party lack three mandates to have a majority in the county council, and will therefore seek support from MDG, Venstre and KrF. – On 5 October, the Labor Party, the Conservative Party, the Green Party, the Christian People’s Party and the Liberal Party entered into an agreement of intent on electoral technical and political cooperation, as well as a commitment to budget cooperation with the aim of governing Troms county municipality, the parties write in a press release. Troms has been part of Troms and Finnmark county since 2020, but will become a separate county again from 1 January 2024. The five parties agree to create a political platform with the following starting point: The cooperation parties’ political platform “A powerful Troms” should point direction for a county in positive and sustainable development where the county council must put effort into the political processes and matters. The cooperation parties will ensure safe financial management of the county council and ensure that the tasks for which the county council is responsible must be of high quality, and best adapted to the needs of the population and business. Through political governance, the cooperation parties will focus on safety and security, knowledge and education, industry and work, the desire to live and stay, and the opportunities that lie in linking Troms closer together. The collaborative parties will work for a strong and forward-looking development of new Troms, our diverse local communities and a business community we are proud of. The collaboration parties agree that the Labor Party should lead the county council and the Conservative Party should have a county mayor. The cooperation parties will now proceed with writing a political platform. The county council in Troms is constituted on 24 October. A press conference has been called in Tromsø on Friday at 11.30.
