– The king is in good spirits – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– There are many who feel care for the king now, understandably enough, says Crown Prince Haakon, who is Crown Prince Regent while the King is abroad on holiday. Together with Crown Princess Mette-Marit, he arrived in Finse this afternoon. Before the crown prince couple left home this morning, they had time to speak to both the king and queen, who are both in Malaysia. – It seemed as if the form was a little better. The king was in good spirits, so it was nice, says the Crown Prince Regent. – It was nice to talk a little, we have of course kept in touch these days. – His age suggests that it is good to treat this properly. He says that the king’s physician has now arrived in Malaysia. Livlegen is the king’s “regular doctor” and works on a daily basis at Rikshospitalet. – At least he has formed a first image. And the feedback is similar to the impression we got this morning, fortunately, says Crown Prince Haakon. – What he needs now is to be in the hospital for a few days and get some peace and rest, he says of the king. The Crown Prince couple were greeted by people with Norwegian flags when they arrived in Finse this afternoon. Photo: Tale Hauso / news – Is the crown prince worried about the situation? – It’s good that things are getting better. It is nice. His age suggests that it is good to treat this properly. Now he is in very good hands, they are good at the hospital, says the Crown Prince Regent. – How worried are you that it will happen when he is so far from home? – Yes exactly. It’s a bit far from home. But now he is doing better. And his doctor is there. Now he needs some peace and rest for a few days, then it looks like things are going better. The Crown Prince Regent cannot yet say when the king will return home. – We have not decided on that yet. We have to take one thing at a time. Now the life doctor has arrived at the hospital and has been given the opportunity to meet the king and make up his own mind about the situation. Then we get to take the journey home a little later. The Crown Prince couple’s visit to Finse has been planned for a long time. Their official program has not changed since King Harald was hospitalized in Malaysia. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB Støre: – Will do what we can to get the king home as soon as possible Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre says that he hopes the king will recover and can come home as soon as possible. – The Prime Minister’s office is informed by the Palace when something like this happens, and for me it is important to say that we trust what we hear about him receiving good treatment and good follow-up, says Støre to news. – But we get worried when our king falls ill and is hospitalized, whether in Norway or abroad, and perhaps especially when it happens abroad, he adds. news meets Støre in Warsaw, Poland, where he has met his Polish colleague. – Now I am concerned that we should do what we can to contribute to getting the king home as quickly as possible and as healthy as possible. Unchanged program In strong winds at Finse, the crown prince couple were greeted by people with Norwegian flags when they arrived by train this afternoon. The Crown Prince couple are in Finse to visit the Red Cross course in rescue management in the winter mountains. Their official program has not changed after it became known that King Harald was hospitalized. The Finse visit takes place the day after it became known that King Harald has been admitted to a hospital in Malaysia. The king’s health condition is stable, the hospital in Malaysia tells TV 2. They will not go into more detail about why he is admitted. It must be in this hospital in Malaysia that the king is admitted. Photo: MOHD RASFAN / AFP On Tuesday afternoon, the royal house announced that King Harald (87) had fallen ill during a holiday in Malaysia and had been admitted to a hospital there. The king has been hospitalized with an infection and is receiving good follow-up from both Norwegian and Malaysian health personnel, the press release said. The Malaysian news website Astro Awani reported the same day that the Norwegian king was admitted to the Sultanah Maliha hospital on the Langkawi archipelago. King Harald is on a private holiday in Malaysia with Queen Sonja. No changes have yet been made to King Harald’s official program either. The King is listed with his first official mission after the winter holidays on Friday 8 March, when he will lead the Cabinet at the Palace, as has been the plan for some time already. King Harald had a busy work program last year and was on several trips. Here he is in Vevelstad church during the royal couple’s county tour in Nordland last summer. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news Crown Prince Haakon is listed in the official program as Crown Prince Regent until Wednesday 6 March. That is to say, the king was initially not expected back from his holiday abroad until 7 March. Last year, King Harald had 431 work assignments – this is what his working day looks like: Sick leave in the past King Harald has been sick with an infection several times in the past. At the end of January, the king was on sick leave due to a respiratory infection, but was back at work after a few days. In May last year, the king was admitted to Rikshospitalet, where he was also treated for an infection. King Harald then had to leave a state visit from Italy to the Crown Prince Regent, but was declared fit just in time to take his place on the Palace Balcony on 17 May. The royal family traditionally greeted the children’s train in Oslo from the palace balcony on 17 May last year. King Harald had then been on sick leave for over a week to receive treatment for an infection, but was declared healthy from 17 May. Photo: Frederik Ringnes / NTB When the royal couple were asked in June how they had experienced the king’s illness, the king himself said about the hospitalizations: – What I can say is that it was boring. Also in 2022, the king had several periods of health problems. He last underwent surgery in 2021, then for a damaged tendon above his right knee. The operation was successful, and the king was subsequently declared to be in good shape. In 2020, King Harald replaced a heart valve at Rikshospitalet, after struggling with heavy breathing. Also in 2005, he also underwent an operation on the heart valve between the heart and the main artery. At that time, the aortic valve was replaced with an artificial heart valve. King Harald has made it clear that he will stand by the deed for the rest of his life and not abdicate, as his third wife in Denmark, Queen Margrethe, did. Here is King Harald in his office at the Castle. The picture was taken in connection with the news program “The year with the royal family” in 2022. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news
