The jury has reached an agreement in the case against Trump – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The ruling is expected shortly. In 2022, New York opened the door for people who have been victims of sexual assault to sue between November 2022 and November 2023. Thus, Carroll could sue Trump, even though decades have passed since the incident. The writer claims that the assault must have taken place in a fitting room at the luxury Bergdorf Goodman shopping center in Manhattan. Claims he doesn’t know Caroll She claims Trump held her against the wall and assaulted her, before she fled down Manhattan and called two friends. The former president said in 2019 that he does not know Caroll at all. E. Jean Carroll is a journalist and writer. Photo: AP He denies that the incident took place. Trump has repeatedly said the abuse is not credible, in part because the former columnist is “not his type.” Civil trial At the same time that he is strongly on the Republican list for the presidential election in 2024, he is both accused in one case and under investigation for several cases. Donald Trump is accused of assaulting a journalist in the mid-90s. The picture is from April 14 during a conference for the NRA. Photo: Reuters Here are the most serious: For his role in the attack on Congress on January 6, 2021 For his interference in the election results in Georgia For having top secret documents at home For having forged business documents Because Carroll did not contact the police when the incident occurred is not this a criminal case but a civil trial. She is seeking compensation for violence and defamation, and for Trump to retract what he wrote on Truth Social about her.
