The Investigation Committee with new testimony in extraordinary hearing – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

This is explained by Cassidy Hutchinson, who was an adviser to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows in a hearing in Congress. In a sensational testimony, she gave a dramatic insight into the chaos both before, after and during the attack on Congress on January 6. This was the sixth hearing of the committee of inquiry. Wanted to Congress During the speech before the storming of Congress, Donald Trump said he would join Congress along with the protesters. When the security guard who was driving his limousine refused, he shouted according to Hutchinson: – I am the president of hell, drive me to Congress now. Hutchinson describes how Trump allegedly tried to take over the wheel from the Secret Service agent who was driving the car, and that he tried to strangle him when he was not allowed to drive to The Capitol. Hutchinson also said that President Trump was so angry that he threw his lunch plate on the wall in the White House. She helped wipe up ketchup after the incident. During the hearing, Donald Trump has written several messages on the social media Truth Social, which is owned by one of his own companies. “Her false account that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House limousine and tried to drive it toward Congress is nauseating and deceptive, just like the committee itself,” Trump wrote in one of the messages. Wanted to remove metal detectors President Trump already knew on the morning of January 6, 2021 that armed protesters were on their way to Congress, according to Hutchinson. “Trump asked the security guards to remove the metal detectors and let the protesters in,” Hutchinson said. Trump and his chief of staff should then have known that someone. protesters carried both knives and firearms. “Trump said the protesters were not there to harm him, and that they should be allowed in,” Hutchinson said. Did Pence “deserve it” Hutchinson has previously informed the committee of inquiry that she was present when Trump responded appreciatively to the protesters’ call to “hang Mike Pence”. The hearing revealed that Hutchinson was present during a conversation between Mark Meadows and Pat Cipollone, one of Donald Trump’s lawyers. According to Hutchinson, Meadows said that Trump thought Vice President Mike Pence “deserved” the calls to be hanged. According to the committee, Pence’s life was in danger during the storming of Congress. Cippollone had asked Meadows to “do something.” To that had replied that the president “does not want to do anything, Pat” Extraordinary hearing The inquiry committee was to have a two-week break from the hearings, but yesterday the message came about an unexpected additional hearing today. According to the committee, they must present “newly acquired evidence and testimony”. Cassidy Hutchinson (25) was the assistant to Mark Meadows, Donald Trump’s chief of staff. As his assistant, she witnessed many important events surrounding the storming of Congress on January 6. In the last ten days, she has come to the committee with new information, according to CNN. This is the first time one does not know what comes out in advance in the hearings, which has contributed to the excitement around the meeting. As the assistant to Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Cassidy Hutchinson is a key witness in the congressional hearings. Photo: Brandon Bell / AFPPhoto: Brandon Bell / AFP In the hearing, it emerged that several Trump supporters showed up armed to the storming of Congress with pistols, but also semi-automatic rifles. “Witness influence” – This could change the whole case, says Solomon Wisenberg, who was one of the lawyers in Ken Starr’s investigation of Bill Clinton to the New York Times about the hearing. He believes there is no doubt that today’s hearing provides a basis for raising a case against Trump for having contributed to the uprising. – What Hutchinson has done today is not easy. The easiest thing is to hide, and not speak out, says Liz Cheney during today’s hearing. Liz Cheney, who chaired the hearing, said Trump’s allies have tried to intimidate witnesses who attended the hearings. – The real bomb that was dropped today was the alleged accusation of witness influence. If there is hard evidence, this is a serious problem for the former president, writes Mick Mulvaney, a former member of Congress in a twitter message. Giuliani: – Something magnificent is going to happen, 6 January. Cassidy Hutchinson opened the hearing by telling about a meeting Trump’s legal adviser Rudy Giuliani had with her boss, on January 2. Four days before the storming of Congress. After the meeting, she followed Giuliani to the car. – He was elated and said: Cassidy, are you excited for January 6th. It’s going to be a big day. Hutchinson said she asked Guiliani what he meant. – We’re going to Congress. It will be magnificent, Giuliani replied, according to the woman. She went back to the West Wing of the White House and asked her boss Mark Meadows what was going to happen on January 6th. – Are we going to the congress ?, she asked – There’s a lot going on, Cassidy. Things could get really bad on January 6, Meadows replied, according to Hutchinson. She further said that she heard the militant groups Oath Keepers and Proud Boys mentioned in meetings in the White House in the next few days. Requested pardon from Trump Last night also came the news that the police have seized the mobile phone of John Eastman, one of Trump’s lawyers. Cassidy Hutchinson has previously testified privately, and videos of this explanation have been shown in hearings. Hutchinson has also testified that several Republican senators, including Matt Gaetz, have asked for pardon after trying to help Donald Trump overturn the presidential election. According to the committee of inquiry, Mike Pence’s life was in danger during the storming of Congress. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFPPhoto: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP Today, Hutchinson explained that Mark Meadows had also asked for pardon. The January 6 committee investigates “the facts, circumstances and causes of the terrorist attack on January 6, 2021”, it is stated in the resolution that lays down the guidelines for the hearings. The committee cannot prosecute anyone, but can make recommendations to the Ministry of Justice.
