– The infrastructure is ready here – news Vestland

– This is just to be put into use, and we should make use of the capacity that lies around these ferry quays. This is what transport policy spokesperson for the Conservative Party, Liv Kari Eskeland, says from the ferry quay at Halhjem on the E39, just south of Bergen. In a representative proposal, the Conservative Party, Liberal Party and KrF ask the government to take a closer look at the possibility of allowing electric trucks and buses to use the ferries’ shore power system between ferry departures. PUT INTO USE: Liv Kari Eskeland (H) believes that little is needed for land transport to be able to use the ferries’ chargers. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news They believe that measures like this are necessary to achieve the climate goals in heavy transport. By 2030, 50 percent of new trucks must be zero-emission vehicles. – A challenge One of those who stands behind the proposal is Andreas Nytveit. He is a board member of the Norges Lastebilieier-Association region 5, and owns a truck company. – I think it’s great. The problem for those who want to build out chargers is finding space and enough power. Here we have ferries that dock, connect for 10 minutes, and disappear again, he says. He therefore believes there is enough time for the trucks to charge. ELECTRIC TRUCKS: Andreas Nytveit has himself purchased electric trucks. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news – This is along a road with a lot of heavy traffic, and there will be even more electrified heavy transport going here, so I think this is a great proposal, he says. Nytveit says that the biggest challenge for electric heavy vehicles today is the number of available charging points. – In Bergen there is one public charging point built for trucks, says Nytveit. Several companies have their own charging stations around, but it is the lack of public charging points that he points out. – Naturally to consider State Secretary Tom Kalsås (Ap) in the Ministry of Transport says that they are positive about the proposal from the opposition parties. – The government believes that it is natural that one also looks at the possibility that the infrastructure that exists today also becomes available to more people, says Kalsås to news. POSITIVE: Lorry owner Andreas Nytveit is very satisfied with the proposal from Liv Kari Eskeland & co. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news The government launched a national charging strategy in December 2022. This strategy will take a closer look at what measures must be taken in order for the charging offer for electric vehicles to be developed in the future. The Swedish Road Administration is currently working on a roll-out plan, in collaboration with Enova and Nye Veier, for charging stations along the national roads in Norway for heavy vehicles. – In the extension of that work, it is natural that one also considers the possibility of using the already established infrastructure, he says. This will be rolled out on 1 July this year. – Fast charging for heavier vehicles is a prerequisite for the industry to be able to use electric trucks and truck trains, said Per Morten Lund, director of Transport and society at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in a press release earlier. Wants commercial players In the proposal, it is pointed out that the existing infrastructure can be transferred and sold to commercial players. – This will free up the facilities so that they can serve more than just one user, which is currently the ferries. It is a prerequisite that the ferries have preferential rights to electricity at a price that is competitive or better than the one you have today, the proposal states.
