The IDF withdraws from Jenin – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Friday morning, Israeli forces withdrew from the city of Jenin in the West Bank. This is reported by the Palestinian news agency Wafa. Local residents whom Al Jazeera has spoken to fear that the withdrawal is only temporary. The Israeli forces are said to have traveled to nearby military posts, something they have also done earlier in the operation. JENIN: A man films the destruction after Israeli forces tear up the asphalt with a bulldozer. Photo: Zain Jaafar / AFP “Bastion for Palestinian militants” The ten-day long so-called “anti-terror operation” has been aimed at Palestinian militants in the north of the West Bank, especially concentrated on the refugee camp in the city of Jenin. AP describes the camp as a bastion for Palestinian militants, both for Hamas and the Islamic Holy War. Several Palestinian uprisings have originated from the Jenin camp. JENIN: Palestinian fighters take part in the burial of five men killed in Israeli attacks, 5 September. Photo: Jaafar Ashtiyeh / AFP The camp was established to house displaced Palestinians after the creation of Israel in 1948, and has grown into a densely built-up city. As part of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Jenin has been occupied by Israel since 1967. Conditions during the war are particularly bad. According to UNRWA, the Jenin camp has the highest rate of unemployment and poverty in the West Breidda. An explosion seen from a distance in the Palestinian city of Jenin, Thursday 5 September. Photo: Majdi Mohammed / AP At least 39 killed Palestinian health authorities report on Thursday that at least 39 people have been killed. Mohammed Zubeidi, the son of Zakaria Zubeidi, is one of those killed. The father is seen as a symbol of Palestinian rebellion, and was for a long time one of Israel’s most wanted men. In 2021, he managed to escape from an Israeli prison, but was imprisoned again, and is still inside. According to the IDF, Zubeidis’ son was killed in an airstrike in connection with a raid against Palestinian militants. Israeli soldiers arrest two Palestinian men near the town of Tulkarem on 28 August. Photo: Jaafar Ashtieyh / AFP Last week Norwegian-Palestinian Wissam Khazem was killed in an attack in Jenin. According to the IDF, he was a commander in Hamas. Israeli forces have also carried out raids and attacks against other towns on the West Bank during the military operation, especially against the town of Tulkarem. The operation is seen as the deadliest operation on the West Bank since the start of the war. Palestinians flee their homes in connection with Israeli raids against the refugee camp in Tulkarem. Photo: Nasser Nasser / AP Killing of civilians and destroyed infrastructure But several of those killed have been civilians. A 16-year-old girl was this week shot by an Israeli sniper in her house. In addition, major damage to critical infrastructure is reported. Water and electricity supplies have been cut and videos on social media show bulldozers mowing down vegans. Director of the Palestinian Red Crescent, Mahmoud al-Saadi, tells the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that this has made it challenging to help wounded people. – It is difficult for the ambulances to get around, even in areas where the forces have withdrawn, as a result of the damage to vegans and the infrastructure. Palestinian men sit in front of a shop that was destroyed in an Israeli raid in the refugee camp in the town of Tulkarem, 5 September. Photo: Nasser Nasser / AP 78-year-old Wasfiya Rahaima told the Reuters news agency that she had never seen anything like it. – 1948, 1967, all the intifadas. I have not seen anything like this. They have used shooting and everything like that, but the bulldozers are new, and the damage is massive. The Israeli Defense Forces claim to the AP news agency that they are clearing up the streets to destroy explosives. Published 06.09.2024, at 07.20
