The identity linked to the man accused of spying belongs to a Russian intelligence colonel – Latest news – news

28 October 2022 at 16:43 Bellingcat: The identity linked to the man accused of spying belongs to a Russian intelligence colonel Grave network Bellingcat says that the identity linked to the man accused of spying in Norway belongs to a colonel in Russia’s intelligence service. VG, in collaboration with Bellingcat, has seen information linking Mikhail Valeriyevich Mikushin (44) to the intelligence service GRU. Bellingcat has checked Mikusjin’s registered addresses in Russia and found him registered at a housing complex reserved for GRU officers, writes VG. The Russian identity has been linked by the police to the man who is imprisoned on espionage charges in Tromsø. The man himself has stated that he is Brazilian under the name José Assis Giammaria. The police and PST say it is unlikely that this is actually the man’s identity. – Good job, Norway – you have taken a colonel from the GRU, writes Christo Grozev in Bellingcat on Twitter. (news/NTB)
