The helicopter pilot questioned by the police – denies criminal guilt – news Trøndelag

– It is too early to draw conclusions about the cause of the accident. This is a time-consuming investigation that will continue with high priority in the future, says the prosecuting attorney Åsta Elden in Trøndelag police district. There were three people in the helicopter which crashed on a field in Verdal on Tuesday two weeks ago. Two people died, while the pilot survived the accident. Not long after, he was routinely targeted by the police. The accident helicopter has been sent to Lillestrøm where the Air Accident Investigation Board will carry out further investigations. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news The formal charge is a violation of the Aviation Act and regulations on air traffic rules and operational procedures for having operated the helicopter in a negligent manner. The accused was questioned by the police last week. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. Since the accident, he has been in hospital with a broken back. Until now, it has not been possible to question him for medical reasons. But now the police have received an explanation from the man who flew the crashed helicopter. The helicopter that crashed belongs to the Midtnorsk helicopter service in Verdal. They have a base not far from the accident site and the helicopter had just taken off from here when it crashed. It is a very widely used type of helicopter. The Accident Investigation Board has been to Verdal and carried out on-site investigations. The accident helicopter was transported to Lillestrøm last week, where the commission will carry out further investigations to try to find the cause of the helicopter crash. The helicopter trip when the accident happened was a private mission and is described by the police as a “leisure trip”. It was Roar Henning Stein (68) and Inger Eline Gaundal Stein (68) from Overhalla who died in the accident.
