The heat continues – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A heat wave has hit popular tourist countries such as Italy, Greece and Spain for several days. According to meteorologists, the heat wave may last until Sunday. In Spain on Friday it was around 40 degrees in many places, while in Andalucia in the south of the country the temperature was expected to be 43 degrees. In some areas along the Mediterranean coast, the temperature may even climb further to 44 degrees on Saturday. In other regions, the temperature will eventually drop somewhat, according to the Spanish weather forecast service Aemet. Handing out water to homeless Héctor Tejero, Spain’s health minister, says people must be careful in the intense heat. – We are not talking about polar bears and all that, now we are talking about something that affects your health, he said in an interview with the online newspaper on Friday. – Protect yourself, make sure you drink enough and take care of more vulnerable people, he urged. Volunteers from the Red Cross help the homeless in Cordoba. Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters Almost 11,000 deaths in Spain could be attributed to extreme heat last year, according to figures from the Spanish Research Council. Volunteers from the Red Cross therefore distribute soup, water and breeze to the homeless in the city of Cordoba, located in the south of Spain. In Madrid, the authorities have bused homeless people to a center where they can cool off. They also get drinks and food. Your browser does not support the embedding of external content Danger warning in Italy There is also a heat wave going on in Italy, where the health authorities in the country have issued danger warnings for 17 large cities as the temperature crept past 40 degrees Celsius in several places. In the danger warning, which applies to large parts of the central regions of the country, it is warned that even healthy people can experience physical problems. High temperatures are expected in the southern regions of Apulia and Basilicata, as well as the Mediterranean island of Sicily. The intense heat is expected to last until Sunday. The table shows the highest temperatures reported today, the next seven days and the average of previous highest temperatures. Location Highest today Average previous highest See explanation The average temperature is the average of daily maximum temperatures for the same date over a period of 30 years. The average we have used is in the current normal period 1991-2020 (i.e. the weather a young adult will experience as normal). The table is based on a list of selected places in Europe, and shows the 20 that are the hottest today. Source: Open-meteo Next 7 days Antalya Turkey 41° 37° Málaga Spain 39° 29° Athens Greece 37° 33° Bodrum Turkey 37° 28° Faro Portugal 36° 30° Madrid Spain 35° 33° See more places A collaboration between news and Meteorological Institute Fear more forest fires In parts of Greece, the authorities have ordered companies not to allow workers to do hard work outdoors. On Wednesday it was decided that Greece’s most popular tourist attraction, the Acropolis in Athens, would be closed to visitors during the day while the heat was at its most intense. – We appeal to the public to be particularly careful as there is a very high risk of serious forest fires breaking out over the next few days, says government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis. – Even a spark can cause a major disaster, he adds. Climate scientist: – This is the way it is going. Hot in Croatia Earlier this week, a new record was also set in Dubrovnik in Croatia, where a whopping 29.7 degrees was measured in the water – the highest temperature ever recorded in the Adriatic Sea. On Tuesday, the Serbian capital Belgrade also recorded its hottest July day. Since June, there have been several hundred fires and forest fires in Greece, Spain and Italy. Drought and hot winds from Africa have made extinguishing work difficult. Published 20.07.2024, at 12.47 p.m
