The GP refers to a priest rather than a psychologist – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– This particularly applies to young patients. I often refer them to a priest instead of a psychologist. In any case, they won’t get a psychiatric diagnosis in their medical record, says Apeland. news has previously told about Cecilie Storm. She was denied disability insurance. The reason was two sick leave following a death in the family. The GP called her sick for depression-like symptoms. That was the reason why she was refused insurance. Apeland thinks nothing of people being denied insurance on this basis. – It is completely unreasonable that people should be punished for a short-term crisis, says Apeland. He knows of several people who have been refused insurance due to bereavement and other life crises. news has requested figures from the largest companies in Norway. Figures on how many people are refused when they apply for disability insurance. 15–30 per cent discount Only two companies have released figures. Fremtind is among the largest in personal insurance in Norway. The company rejects around 15 per cent of applicants. If gives a discount of approximately 30 per cent. It varies greatly from year to year, according to the company. Gjensidige, Storebrand and KLP claim they cannot give figures due to the competitive situation. – Our aim is to be able to offer as many disability insurance as possible, says Therese Barski. She is product manager for personal products at Fremtind. The company is owned by Sparebank 1 and DNB. – It will be the total assessment of the customer’s health that will determine whether you can take out disability insurance, she says. Therese Barski is product manager for personal products at Fremtind. Photo: Fremtind Illness and damage that occurred before purchase are not initially covered. An unclear health situation also results in refusal. A sick note at the time of purchase the same. – But the customers can then apply again when they have been investigated, says Barski. The company If sees that people are often late in taking out personal insurance. Disability insurance in particular. – In the same way that you cannot take out insurance when a house is already damaged or a car dented, you also cannot count on getting insurance if the illness or ailments are already there, says communications director Andreas Handeland. He believes that people are often better at insuring their belongings than their health. Therefore, customers are reminded to take out health insurance as early as possible. – So that you can get quick and good help on the day the need arises, says Handeland. Understanding the dilemma Although GP Svein Gisle Apeland often refers to a priest, he also uses the diagnosis of acute stress disorder on patients in grief. – There should be no consequences later, he says. Atle Dyregrov has worked with crisis psychology for several decades. He understands the GPs’ dilemma. – But I think it can be solved by using diagnoses such as stress disorder. We psychologists also use it. It is not the case that doctors should have to use incorrect diagnoses, says Dyregrov. Crisis psychologist Atle Dyregrov understands that GPs have a dilemma. Photo: Center for crisis psychology He believes that priests and philosophers can be good conversational partners when people are in mourning. – But sometimes what you are struggling with cannot be solved only through conversations, he says. – But is it the case that people refuse to go to a psychologist? – Yes, especially if diagnoses are made that have consequences for insurance conditions later in life. It is a threshold to make contact, but it is also a mastery to seek professional help when you need it, says Dyregrov. Self-answering about health The insurance companies state that it is the person applying for insurance who himself fills in a health declaration. It is this information that forms the basis for the assessments. – If there is a need for it, we can also collect further information from a doctor. Then we will also be able to get information about why the diagnosis has been set as it is, says Therese Barski in Fremtind. – What do you think about the GP referring to a priest instead of a psychologist so that patients do not have problems with insurance? – We trust the GP’s assessments. And it can often be useful to talk to a priest when you are grieving. Even if you were to get help from a psychologist or be on sick leave when you are grieving, this does not mean that you will not be able to buy insurance at a later stage. The company does not ask for information that dates back more than ten years.
