The government with measures to secure Norwegian electricity supply – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

2022 was the year when sky-high electricity prices became the norm and Statnett started talking about possible electricity rationing in the spring of 2023. The power cables to Europe again received harsh criticism. The situation also became far worse after Russia attacked Ukraine and cut off the gas supply to Europe. Both in Norway and other European countries, the concern that electricity would become a scarce good increased. In July, the government asked the power industry to conserve water, but 20 percent of power production was still exported. Statnett’s map of international connections Photo: Statnett In August, Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland said that the government would come up with measures during the autumn that would limit power exports when there was little water in the reservoirs. Aasland promised the Free Trade Union Movement that there would never be an electricity crisis again. But the measures have been delayed until today. In November, it became known that the degree of filling in Norwegian water reservoirs was far better and that the danger of rationing was almost gone, for this time.
