The government with a billion-dollar investment in artificial intelligence – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Today, the Støre government announced its plans to set aside over one billion kroner for research into artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technology. The money is to be distributed over the next five years. – A billion, jeez! It exceeds all expectations and I am very happy, says director Klas Pettersen in Nora. Nora is a collaboration between several universities in Norway to coordinate research and education in the field. Pettersen says that the professional community has long talked about the need for fresh funds. MACHINERY: These images have been created by the AI ​​tool MidJourney. Illustration: Marius Arnesen / Midjourney / NRKbeta Although the work with artificial intelligence has a long history, it is only recently that it has become something everyone is talking about. Now computer programs can create artificial images that amaze the world and write texts that can fool Norwegian teachers. These new tools raised a number of questions that are still unanswered, and there are many who are concerned that the technology can be misused. – More optimistic than ever, NTNU researcher Inga Strumke calls the government’s news fantastic. – I am more optimistic than ever, says Strumke, who has long tried to understand political Norway how important the field is, and how quickly it is changing. FINALLY! Researcher Inga Strümke now feels that politicians are finally prioritizing the field. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Strumke says she was disappointed when the previous government, led by the Conservative Party, put forward a strategy on artificial intelligence without money. The right-wing government once appointed a digitization minister. The post was then transformed into “district and digitisation”. It was then removed completely when the current government took over. The symbolism was brutal, says Strumke. – It looks like the government has realized that artificial intelligence goes from the research front to societal impact insanely fast, and thus that we also have to invest in basic research in artificial intelligence in Norway. Powerful technology It was Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Borch who announced the initiative. – Artificial intelligence and machine learning are going to change society in ways we still don’t understand or are able to control, Støre said during the press conference. INVESTMENT: – Artificial intelligence is a powerful technology and we have seen many examples of us not knowing what is real from what is reproduced by artificial intelligence, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahrs Støre to news after the press conference at UiO. Photo: Martin Solhaug Standal / NTB – This billion over five years is a strong signal that we want to engage the Research Council, our knowledge institutions and our business world so that we can get human intelligence to control the artificial, says Støre to news. Only five percent of Abelia’s member companies have decided on how they can use artificial intelligence in their company, a recent survey shows. – That number has to go up, says Støre. Conservative Party: Important step In April, the Conservative Party called for a clear plan from the government on artificial intelligence. – This seems like an important step in the right direction, and the government deserves praise for finally being on the ground with something tangible on artificial intelligence. At the same time, we are concerned that they do not internalize the whole that is needed to succeed with AI in Norway, writes Linda Hofstad Helleland to news. Helleland was in his time the Minister for Districts and Digitization in the previous Conservative government. This is what she says about Strumke’s statement: – The Conservative Party is proud that we put forward Norway’s first national strategy for artificial intelligence. We financed a regulatory sandbox for AI and privacy, we presented an escalation plan with NOK 800 million for technology research and we facilitated more use of artificial intelligence by facilitating the reuse and reuse of public data through the Data Factory. WANTED PLAN: – It is critical that Norway invests in research, but we must also use technology in a responsible and valuable way in society, says Linda Hofstad Helleland from the Conservative Party. Photo: Terje Bendiksby Høyre also expects the government to follow up on artificial intelligence being integrated into more education.
