The government will prioritize this in order to overcome economic crime – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Wednesday, Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl met leaders from Økokrim, the Swedish Tax Agency, the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority and the Supervisory Board for legal professions. They discussed a number of proposed measures to combat economic crime at home, following revelations from news and Danish TV 2 about such activities in Denmark. – The topic has become relevant in the media image after the documentary “The Black Swan” was shown on news, says a message from the government. In the Brennpunkt documentary, named Danish lawyers, business people, entrepreneurs and gang members are exposed in collaboration and complicity in extensive fraud. A number of gang criminals in Denmark are named in the documentary series. Photo: FROM THE BRENNPUNKT DOCUMENTARY THE BLACK SWAN – We are once again reminded that the great majority are honorary doctors. But there are dishonest lawyers, dishonest accountants, says Vedum to news. – People who have civilian jobs contribute to crime. He says that they are looking at possibilities for punishment to prevent insider trading, money laundering and improper accountants. These proposals come from a government announcement that the Storting has received. It is expected that the Storting will vote on them on Wednesday afternoon. About The Black Swan “The Black Swan” is a Brennpunkt documentary of five episodes. In the documentary, named lawyers, business people, entrepreneurs and gang members are exposed in collaboration and complicity in extensive fraud against the state treasury and the environment. The revelations originate from an office in Copenhagen that has been filled with hidden cameras. The office belongs to Amira Smajic, who wants to escape her criminal past by breaking all ties to the environment. Through her network, viewers get a unique insight into the criminal underworld, and how gang criminals work with top lawyers and business people. At the end of the documentary series, it emerges that the mole may have played a sensational double game during the filming. Amira Smajic has been paid for the time she was a mole for the production. TV 2 Danmark states that she has agreed to their security measures and the Danish police have been informed. The documentary series is produced by TV 2 Danmark and Wingman Media in collaboration with news. – Also in Norway, Head of Ecocrime, Pål Lønseth, says they are “very satisfied” with a number of measures, and wants them to be implemented quickly. – I am happy that the government is allowing more money to fight economic crime, he says to news. – We may have information that clearly indicates that criminal acts have been carried out, but we do not have the capacity to follow it up. The crime that has been uncovered in Denmark also occurs in Norway, says Lønseth. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Lønseth says what appeared in “The Black Swan” does not surprise those who work in Økokrim. – We have been talking about this for a long time. It also happens to a large extent in Norway, although there are nuances. – The police have described economic crime as a threat to society. So that threat is great. Facts about the government’s measures against economic crime The government is allocating NOK 50 million to combat economic crime in this year’s state budget. Among other things, to strengthen the eco-crime departments at the police districts and the new fraud unit. They also propose an increase in the revised national budget for the police, including an annual package of NOK 600 million dedicated to combating economic crime. In addition, the government will give the Customs Agency NOK 118 million to combat drug smuggling. The government will also revise rules for civil confiscation, introduce a new lawyers’ act and give new powers to the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate. Source: The government wants a better flow of information – Fortunately, we have a different reality than they have in Sweden. Economic crime is much more extensive there, says Vedum, but adds: – It must become less attractive and have even more risk to be a criminal in Norway. Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl believes it is particularly important that the agencies share more information among themselves. Businessman Martin Malm in Denmark is among those exposed. He does not want to be interviewed, but states that TV 2 Danmark and news do not have the whole picture. Photo: FROM THE BRENNPUNKT DOCUMENTARY THE BLACK SWAN – For some criminals, it is so professional and easy to engage in crime that they make a lot of money. We must sanction harder and be able to collect dividends more quickly. – It is very important to strengthen the fight against money laundering and tax evasion, which in turn can contribute to financing criminal gangs that have large capital of violence. All of this is connected. Denmark announces law change The Brennpunkt documentary The Black Swan is the result of a collaboration between Danish TV 2 and news. Several hundred thousand Norwegians have seen the series. In Denmark, around 2 million people saw the first episode. On Monday, Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard from the Social Democrats announced that there would be changes to the law as a result of what comes to light, writes Danmarks Radio. Among the changes should be a strengthening of how client accounts are controlled to make money laundering more difficult. – Everyone is very upset, some even furious, about what is coming out, Hummelgaard told news after a meeting in the Norwegian Parliament. – There is a great will in both the government and the Folketing to introduce tougher measures, both against gang criminals and those who make the criminal activity possible. Published 12.06.2024, at 11.01 Updated 12.06.2024, at 11.20
