The government will allow teachers to intervene physically more often – Latest news – news

6 March 2024 at 05:45 The government will allow teachers to physically intervene more often Education Minister Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap) wants employees in schools and after-school care to be able to physically intervene more often. This must be possible, among other things, in the case of extensive verbal attacks or disturbances that destroy the teaching. One of the goals is to increase respect for the teachers’ classroom management. According to what news has learned, there is support in the government to send the proposal out for an additional hearing shortly. Already in May last year, the government sent out proposals for the use of physical intervention in the new Education Act for consultation. The proposals should make it clear when the teacher can intervene physically to stop or prevent pupils from harming themselves, others or the school’s property. But they were not open to physically intervening against students who bullied other students, or who ruined the lesson. The proposal received criticism from, among others, the Danish Education Association, which described it as “inadequate”.
