The government returns billions after slaughter from Aid Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

When the revised national budget was presented on 12 May, the government faced strong criticism from Norwegian aid organizations who believe they were not heard. SV, like both the UN and Amnesty, has reacted strongly to the fact that the government will spend four billion in aid on refugees from Ukraine. In its proposal for a revised national budget, the government proposed spending NOK 4 billion from the development assistance budget on refugees in Norway. ASSISTANCE: Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg worked as a midwife in South Sudan for MSF. Photo: Privat SV said that it is completely wrong to cut aid to the poor elsewhere in the world and rather spend the money in this country. Aid has been hailed as a hard nut to crack. Now the government is adjusting. Electric car benefit The Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist People’s Party invite to a press conference in the walking hall in the Storting at nine o’clock on Tuesday morning. Sp and the Labor Party have a joint information meeting about the budget unit in the cinema hall in the Storting now before the revised budget is presented, news is informed. The parliamentary group for SV gathered late yesterday. According to news’s ​​experience, the VAT exemption on electric cars that cost up to 500,000 is maintained. But instead of a subsidy scheme through Enova as today, it will be a real VAT exemption. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news As news has previously written, there will be no reduction in the fuel tax. Zero cuts in fuel prices The Center Party confirms that they will not do anything about the high fuel prices in this year’s national budget. – We have come to the conclusion that we will not now reduce fuel taxes. But it is also not the fuel taxes that have caused prices to rise, says Geir Pollestad at Politisk Kvarter on news. JUNE PRICE: A pump that shows prices well over 25 kroner for diesel has become normal. Photo: Tore Lyngvær / news He says the whole is the most important thing, and that the government therefore wants to prioritize measures that enable those with low incomes to get better advice. FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug says Sp promised gold and green forests when they entered government and promised lower fuel prices. – One of the things that makes people most furious is the fact that Norway produces oil, has enormous income from it itself, we also have the world’s second highest petrol prices. It is simply incomprehensible, says Listhaug. The use of oil money is maintained According to news’s ​​experience, the government does not use more oil money. The use of oil money is thus maintained, but around 1.6 billion has been received in “fresh” money, among other things from under-consumption of cultural resources during the corona pandemic. news is informed of this by several sources who are aware of the budget agreement. Leader Eigil Knutsen (Labor Party) in the finance committee has together with Geir Pollestad in the Center Party negotiated with the Socialist Left Party (SV) Kari Elisabeth Kaski. The negotiations have several times dragged on until late at night since the negotiations began on 23 May. The content will now be anchored in the three parliamentary groups of the Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party and will be presented today. On Monday, the government parties Sp and Ap picked up the thread with SV in the negotiations on a revised budget. Taking a holiday The Center Party and the Labor Party have a minority government. Therefore, they need help from the Storting to get through their proposal for a revised state budget. If they get SV on the team, they have a majority. Last Friday was the deadline for consideration in the Finance Committee. This deadline was broken. Thus, the negotiators had no other deadline to comply with than the actual processing in the Storting hall on Friday 17 June. An agreement between the government and SV must be presented before Friday, which is the day the Storting takes summer vacation.
