The government proposes to double support for queer organizations in the state budget – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It is very nice to see that the government is now investing in and strengthening the so-called LGBT pot, says leader of FRI Inge Alexander Gjestvang. In next year’s state budget, the government proposes to increase support for queer organizations by NOK 15 million. It is close to doubling from 2022. Gjestvang believes that the money will benefit the entire queer population. For FRI, this opens up the opportunity to expand the organisation. Queer meeting places Inge Alexander Gjestvang says that much of the work done for queers in Norway is based on volunteering. – People dedicate their free time to helping to create meeting places and to improve the quality of life and living conditions, says Gjestvang. If the government’s proposal for support goes through, the organization FRI will be able to follow up volunteering more closely. FRI also wants to offer its members legal guidance, such as answering inquiries about family law for queer people. – Giving answers to queer questions often do not get answers elsewhere in society. Safe and free lives On the night of 25 June, two people were killed and dozens injured in a terrorist attack outside the London pub and Per on the corner. – As the terrible terrorist attack here showed, it is far from the case that queers can live safe and free lives, not even in Norway, says Minister for Equality Anette Trettebergstuen. Culture and Equality Minister Anette Trettebergstuen (Ap) and Jane-Victorius Bonsaksen (left), head of Skeiv Ungdom. Photo: The government On Tuesday, Trettebergstuen met several leaders from queer organizations in central Oslo, in connection with the proposal to increase support. – Everyone in Norway should be allowed to be themselves and live free and safe lives. That is why we are now prioritizing a strong boost in support for the queer organisations, she says. If the proposal is implemented, the pot from which the associations can apply for money will grow to approximately NOK 37 million. Doubling the support for Oslo pride The proposal also doubles the grant for Oslo pride from NOK one million to NOK 2 million. This is the largest pride event in the country, but has significance beyond the municipal boundary. – They also do a fantastic job of inspiring and educating other pride events around the country, about how they can gather people, and celebrate and mark political battles, says Trettebergstuen. The support also includes Skeiv Verden. Chairman Bassel Anis Hatoum calls this a fine recognition for the work they do. Chairman of Skeiv Verden Bassel Anis Hatoum says that this gives more room for their work. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – It is good news that the government is doubling its support for queer organisations, it is long-awaited support. We at Skeiv Verden have worked under difficult conditions for many years, says Hatoum.
