The government proposes a requirement for a 40 percent proportion of women on boards of large and medium-sized companies – Latest news – news

19 June 2023 at 09:06 The government proposes a requirement for a 40 per cent proportion of women on boards of large and medium-sized companies. Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Christian Vestre (Ap) presents the government’s legislative proposal on gender balance on boards of Norwegian companies on Monday. The government is now proposing a requirement for a 40 per cent proportion of women on the boards of large and medium-sized companies. Today, there are such requirements in public limited companies (ASA) and in most publicly owned companies. About 8,200 companies will be covered by the change already next year, and with full implementation in 2028 it will apply to just over 20,000 companies, says the Minister of Business and Industry at a press conference on Monday. – In order to increase value creation and succeed in the transition, we must use all of society’s resources. That is why NHO, LO and the government agree that we should introduce rules about 40 per cent of each gender on the boards of medium-sized and large companies, says Vestre.
