The government opens the E6 through the Lågendelta – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– There must be a very high threshold for allowing interventions in protected areas. In this case, the government believes overall that this is the best solution, says Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide in a press release. He believes the solution will give the Lillehammer community a better solution for local and heavy traffic. – An area of ​​the nature reserve that is important for bird life will have a reduced load when we move large parts of the traffic to a tunnel along Lågen, and cross it at an area with fewer birds, he says. In addition, they must protect replacement land and find new measures to reduce the environmental disadvantages, he says. Lågendeltaet nature reserve The purpose of the conservation is, according to the legal text, to “preserve an important and special wetland area in its natural state with vegetation and wildlife, and to protect a particularly rich and interesting bird life, especially out of consideration for migrating, nesting and wintering waterfowl.” There are a number of predictions for the area. Among other things, all vegetation in water and on land is protected against all forms of damage and destruction. It is not allowed to introduce new plant species. Hunting, trapping, the use of firearms and also letting dogs loose are prohibited. Furthermore, it is stated that “measures that can change the natural conditions” must not be implemented. This means, among other things, that it is not permitted to erect buildings or roads. Motorized traffic on land and sea is prohibited north of Vingnesbrua. In the period from 15 April to 14 May, all traffic on water and shallow areas in parts of the delta is prohibited. The area was established as a nature reserve by the Crown Prince Reg. will be established. of 12 October 1990. The reserve was protected in 1990, to “preserve an important and special wetland area in its natural state”. 12 different species of ducks have been observed in the area.
