The government is tightening up on Russian fishing vessels – news Troms and Finnmark

– For us in the port of Tromsø, we cannot see that it will have any consequences, says port manager Jørn-Even Hanssen. Russian fishing vessels currently have no restrictions on how long they can stay at berth in the three ports that are still open. news has previously revealed several cases of espionage from Russian vessels. The controls of the ships have been called a game for the gallery. Now the government has decided that the port calls of the Russian fishing vessels will be limited to a maximum of five working days, with up to seven days. This includes weekends and holidays. A minimum of three days must also pass since the previous stay in a port on mainland Norway. Jørn-Even Hanssen, harbor manager at Tromsø harbour, believes the government’s austerity measures will have no real consequences for the Russian fishing vessels that dock with them. Photo: Eskild Johansen / news Fisheries and Oceans Minister Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Ap) says the government will ensure that no unwanted activity takes place in the ports. – Now we will introduce new restrictions that take into account both sustainable management and better control in the ports, says Næss. The changes will enter into force as quickly as possible, the government reports. Fisheries and Oceans Minister Marianne Sivertsen Næss (Ap). Photo: Ministry of Industry and Fisheries The harbor chief says they already have fewer Russian fishing vessels visiting, and that their stays are significantly shorter than before. – Previously, they were laid up for around four days, then they were delivered the goods and services they needed. Now it’s time to go in and do what they’re allowed to do, then go out again. It’s a day and a half, so it’s well within the new rules that have come in, says Hanssen. Police checks to be strengthened The government has also decided that police control activities are to be strengthened in the three ports, with particular emphasis on Båtsfjord. Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp): Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / Patrick da Silva Sæther/news – We have closed all ports to Russian vessels, with the exception of three ports which are partially open to Russian fishing vessels. Control activity is already high, but the police and customs are now strengthening their control, and we are placing stricter requirements on Russian fishing vessels when staying in port, says Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp). The government will also have clearer restrictions on where Russian fishing vessels can be located in the three ports. In Tromsø, the Allies receive American nuclear submarines, and the port is described as strategically important. The customs agency must also work even more closely with the police and the PST. I think all ports must be closed – This is an absolutely necessary tightening that should have come earlier, and I expect the government to continuously assess further measures, such as closing ports completely to Russian fishing vessels, says Ine Eriksen Søreide (H). She sits on the foreign affairs and defense committee at the Storting, and says her party is not confident in the controls being carried out. Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) believes the tightening should have come earlier. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – The vessels can be used for espionage, intelligence and sabotage, including of critical Norwegian infrastructure, and that is not an acceptable risk. There is also a risk that they are used to circumvent the sanctions against Russia, she says. She points out that at some point the risk of allowing Russian fishing vessels to come to Norwegian ports will be greater than the value of the fisheries cooperation between Norway and Russia. Ola Elvestuen (V) also believes that the tightening means almost no change. Ola Elvestuen (V) believes that all ports must be closed to Russian fishing vessels. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum – The only right thing is to close the three ports completely to Russian fishing vessels in order to limit Russian intelligence activities and espionage in Norway. The ports must also be closed to stop the flow of money from these vessels which now go via Norwegian ports to Russian oligarchs in support of Putin’s brutal warfare in Ukraine, he says. Venstre has put forward proposals to close the ports completely for over two years. Published 05.07.2024, at 13.24 Updated 05.07.2024, at 14.57
