The gold team is missing for the start of the season at Sjusjøen – the experts predict a tough winter – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– We are going to struggle this winter here, says news’s ​​biathlon expert Ola Lunde. Because just before the start of the season, there are many dropouts on the women’s side of Norwegian biathlon. Neither Marte Olsbu Røiseland, Tiril Eckhoff nor Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold will be on the starting line when the season gets underway this coming weekend. In addition, Ida Lien will only start the sprint on Sunday. Precisely these four runners brought home the relay gold during the WC in Pokljuka in 2021, but now all are sidelined with injuries and illness. CRISIS: news’s ​​biathlon expert Synnøve Solemdal is not optimistic before the start of the women’s season this weekend. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news And with only two weeks until the World Cup opens in Kontiolahti, Finland, uncertainty is spreading. – I can’t think that there have been so many dropouts before, and I really hope that they get back on their feet in Finland. There is a small crisis in Norwegian women’s biathlon this weekend, says news’s ​​biathlon expert Synnøve Solemdal. Both Olsbu Røiseland and Eckhoff may lose several races at the start of the season, and with that, Norway will be without its two biggest guarantees of success. At Sjusjøen, only Karoline Knotten from the elite national team will be on the starting line both Saturday and Sunday. – It doesn’t look bright. In a way, there is a crisis right now, but we have to believe that in the long term we will be able to raise this, says Lunde. – Ola is always a little worried In the last four years, the Norwegian women have won the trophy for best nation in the World Cup, but now news’s ​​expert believes that the Norwegian hegemony is over. – It will be tough. We have Ingrid, in addition to Marte and Tiril, who can deliver well, and we will probably be fighting for medals in the WC, but it will be hard to become the best nation again, Lunde believes. Sports manager for the biathletes, Per Arne Botnan, is more optimistic. – I think it is possible this year as well. We didn’t have a super start last year either, but came out very strong. I have faith that the second best rise when the supposed best are not there at any time, says Botnan. CONCERN: Sports manager Per Arne Botnan believes Ola Lunde is in deep water when he expresses uneasiness about the start of the season. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news He thinks news’s ​​experts take it a bit too hard. – Ola is always a bit worried, but it usually goes well, says Botnan with a smile on his face. But the sports director also admits that the situation is not optimal. – I am a little worried about the start of the season, we would like to have everyone in place. But several are training and were not too far away from competition this weekend. In two weeks, hopefully the vast majority of them will be at the start, so I am a little less worried about Kontiolahti, says the sports director. – Health must come first. About 18 kilometers from where the biathletes will test their form for the first time, Olsbu Røiseland is carrying out yet another session at home in Lillehammer. The great biathlon queen last year thinks it’s a shame that all the biggest stars drop out at the start of the season. – It is very boring. We would like to field a strong team for the opening race. It is an important race to get started before the World Cup and feel what you need to improve in the last weeks before the World Cup starts, says Olsbu Røiseland to news. GUARANTEE: Marte Olsbu Røiseland has been a success guarantor for several years. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB She hopes the situation is for herself, and the teammates quickly turn around. – But health must come first and you just have to take the best precautions you can in order to be as well prepared as possible for the World Cup, she explains. Lunde is crossing his fingers that it will go quickly. – Norway must first of all get all runners healthy again and then we can hope that we get new runners up who can help fight for top positions, says the expert. He believes that the national team management must already look forward to the Olympics in 2026. – It is important to build a team for the next Olympics now. Find new talent, give them time and opportunity to develop, concludes Lunde.
