The FRP will open a control case against Brenna – Latest news – news

6 July 2023 at 18:02 FRP will open a control case against Brenna The Progressive Party will open a control case against Minister of Education Tonje Brenna (Ap). – The Progress Party believes there are many unanswered questions about the competence of Minister of Education Tonje Brenna and will open a review case in the Storting, they write in a press release. It was Dagens Næringsliv that mentioned the case first. On Thursday, Brenna sent a message to the Storting to answer questions about the case. – We feel that we do not have good answers to several of the very central questions. We also think it is strange that the minister has not been informed of the competence assessment her state secretary requested, says party leader Sylvi Listhaug. She says that they have also not received good enough answers as to why Brenna’s state secretary asked for a competency assessment in the spring of 2023, after having been part of the government apparatus since 2022. – We believe that there are still so many answers missing from Brenna that there is a need to open a control case in the Storting, so that we can ask all relevant questions to the minister, says Listhaug.
