The forensic psychiatric report is ready after the double murder in Otta – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Police attorney Lars Rune Ringvik in Innlandet police district says that they have received the preliminary forensic psychiatric report from the experts. – One of the conclusions is that the target was not responsible when the murder occurred. The police will propose to the public prosecutor that an indictment be issued with a request for transfer to compulsory mental health care, he says. In addition to this, he does not wish to comment on the assessments made by the experts now. POLICE: Police attorney Lars Rune Ringvik says they are not quite done with the investigation. The case is scheduled to come up at the end of March. Photo: Arvid Torsgard / news Psychiatric experts Psychiatrist Terje Tørrissen and psychologist Monica Flermoen are the experts after the murder of the elderly couple. The entire report must be presented when the case of the accused man in his 40s goes before the Vestre Innlandet district court. A person can be sentenced to compulsory mental health care instead of prison, if it turns out that he was not sane when he committed a criminal offence. This is a so-called special reaction that the judiciary can give to people who have committed serious, criminal acts of violence, but who are seriously mentally ill. THE MURDER: The police at work after the murder of Otta in August. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news The double murder in Otta: The accused does not answer questions about guilt Long history in psychiatry Defense attorney Anders Bjørnsen has previously told news that the man who carried out the murder has a long history in psychiatry. He also read the report. – The conclusion is as it is, it does not surprise me, says Bjørnsen. He will not comment on it further. – We will take the discussion about it to court. He says that the man is also today in a psychiatric institution with a high degree of security, i.e. not in prison. NOT SURPRISED: Defense attorney Anders Bjørnsen says he is not surprised by the conclusion of the forensic psychiatrists. Photo: Roar Berntsen / news Lost the offer The man who killed the two came to Otta as a patient at the Bredebygden psychiatric centre. The institution was closed down and he lived in the area after that. The murder of the two elderly people in August this year seemed completely unmotivated and random. Police prosecutor Lars Rune Ringvik states that they are not quite finished with the investigation, and they have not yet made their recommendation to the public prosecutor. The case will go to court at the end of March next year.
