The flight alert goes over the whole of Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitaly Klitschko, is asking residents to stay in bomb shelters. – Explosions in the city. The air defense system is working, he writes on Telegram. According to Reuters, witnesses report explosions in various parts of the capital. Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klitschko reports that the air defense system is working Photo: AP – The departure of several Tu-95 bombers from Olenja airport was registered, the Ukrainian Air Force writes on Telegram. The airport is located in the Murmansk region, in the north of Russia. Later, the air force wrote that rockets were “on the way to Kyiv”. Rocket attacks against several Ukrainian cities have been reported on Thursday. In the city of Chuhiv in Kharkiv county, at least one person will be killed, according to the Kyiv Independent. Several attacks The Air Force has reported similar incidents where several aircraft have taken to the wings earlier in February and in January. The Ukrainian defense reports that it was a Soviet-developed Tupolev Tu-95 bomber that took off against Ukraine on Thursday. Photo: AP At the end of December, Russia used the aircraft to carry out a wave of airstrikes against Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv, where a total of 39 people were killed. The bomber type is known in NATO as Bear and is also regularly observed off the coast of Norway. Uncertain death toll How many civilians have been killed since Russia invaded is uncertain. There is no independent census since the Russians have not let independents into areas they have conquered, writes NTB. In June last year, Ukrainian authorities stated that they had only registered 10,368 civilians where the remains were found. – We think the number is at least five times as high, around 50,000 civilians killed, said Oleg Gavrych, who is an adviser to the Ukrainian government, according to the AFP news agency. February 24 marks two years since Russia invaded Ukraine.
