The Flekkefjord doctor has not appeared for his own trial – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I have tried quite desperately to get hold of him. SMS, e-mail, phone, phone to secretary, and so on. But I haven’t heard anything, says defender Carl Henning Leknesund. He points out that he has repeatedly tried to get in touch with Omarchanov’s German defender, Benjamin Schmitt. He has not caught Schmitt since before the summer. The doctor has lived in Germany for the past two years. His Norwegian lawyer has never even spoken to him. – I have only spoken to him indirectly through his German lawyer, says Leknesund. Omarchanov has been involved in a number of botched operations in Southern Norway in recent years. The trial against him starts today, where he is accused of breaching the Health Personnel Act. Defender Carl Henning Leknesund. Photo: Christina Cantero / news First case in court Jerlan Omarchanov has been involved in a number of botched operations in Southern Norway in recent years. Dozens of patients have been injured. The trial concerns one operation in Kristiansand in 2019, where Omarchanov is accused of not having provided proper healthcare to patient Svein Are Auestad. Auestad came to the hospital in Kristiansand with a complicated chainsaw injury to his hand. Today, he struggles with severe pain after the botched operation. For several years, news has written about the botched operations in Flekkefjord, where dozens of patients have been injured after being operated on by Omarchanov. He worked as a senior doctor in orthopedics for eleven years, without having the right specialisation. Later he was moved to the hospital in Kristiansand, where he also performed several wrong operations. Svein Are Auestad was operated on incorrectly by Omarchanov in Kristiansand in 2019. On Thursday, he will testify in court. Photo: Privat The police reported the doctor Violation of the Health Personnel Act has a maximum penalty of three months and a statute of limitations of two years. The police investigated several patient cases, but they were dropped because they were out of date. Auestad is the only one of the patients who is now taking the case to court. – Now the matter rests a lot on my shoulders. I am the only one left of all the injured. They cannot explain their case in court. Then I have a responsibility to shed light on the matter as best I can, Auestad has previously told news. The police had brought charges against Omarchanov for the botched operation on Margret Annie Gudbergsdottir. But the case became obsolete when the police forgot to attach an attachment to an e-mail.
