The five largest farming companies have declined to meet with the government – Latest news – news

17 November 2022 at 16:15 The five largest aquaculture companies have declined a meeting with the government The five largest aquaculture companies that were invited to a meeting with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Fisheries on Friday have declined the meeting. Instead, they send the trade organizations Seafood Norway and Seafood Companies. This is confirmed by the CEO of Sjømat Norge, Geir Ove Ystmark, to news. – They were invited to a meeting about a proposal that affects the entire industry. It is therefore natural that it is precisely the industry organizations that meet. The five largest companies are represented through us, says Ystmark to news. – Isn’t it a bit arrogant of the companies to refuse a meeting with the government? – No, I don’t think so. On the contrary, it is a bit strange to only invite a few companies to provide input on a proposal that affects the entire industry. Therefore, it is natural that it is rather Seafood Norway and the seafood companies that attend the meeting, says Ystmark. – It is generous of the large companies to ensure that the entire industry is represented, he adds.
