The fire service tries to rescue a horse from a river in Klepp municipality – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The fire service had a hard time trying to rescue the horse from the river at Øksnevad in Klepp. The report about the accident came at 11 o’clock, Saturday morning. One of the first things the fire brigade had to do was call a veterinarian who gave the horse sedative medicine. – It was so fragile that it was necessary to be able to help it out of the river, says duty manager Svein Nesse in Rogaland fire and rescue. A long time in cold water It was only after about two hours, and one failed attempt, that the horse got onto dry land again at 1pm on Saturday. After two hours in cold river water, the horse came ashore again. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog It happened after the rescue team had to fasten straps under the belly and were helped by a tractor to pull the horse up. The woman, who was riding the horse, is attended to by paramedics. She was probably kicked by the horse, in connection with the accident, according to duty manager Svein Nesse in Rogaland fire and rescue.
