The fire service has control of a fire in a densely built-up area in Haugesund – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The police are trying to find the cause of the fire. Currently, we have information that indicates that there are children associated with the primary school who have played with fire in the terrain, says Ola Berner Iversen in the Sør-West police district. Just after 11.30am, the emergency services received a message from a teacher at Austrheim primary school. The message was that there was a fire in the terrain west of the school in the Dyrhaugen area. There are also several houses nearby. – We have sent out all of the crew. It’s burning very close to the school, said Svein Nesse, operations manager in Rogaland fire and rescue. The school looked after the children Eirik Falch is assistant principal at Austrheim primary school. He says that the school’s first priority was to secure the pupils at the primary school in connection with the fire. Assistant principal at Austrheim primary school, Eirik Falch, says that guardians must be notified of the fire. Photo: Rosa Iren Villalobos / news The school instructed staff to inform and reassure the pupils. – I was out myself and some students came over. It wasn’t so much fear, but more curiosity and hope that it would go well. I am impressed by the students, they have been curious but calm, says Falch. – The police say that they have indications that it may be children’s play with fire that has caused the fire, what do you think about that? – I think it is a matter for the police and they must investigate it as they should, so that we can possibly take care of the children it will apply to at school, says Falch. Fire near densely populated areas The fire brigade is now extinguishing the fire. The fire was put down before it spread to buildings. It must be in excess of 60×100 meters that have burned. There was a fire on a small pile with buildings on all sides of the pile. At 12.18 the police report that the fire service has the fire under control. Assistance was also requested from the Vormedal fire station in connection with the fire.
