The fire requires a thorough investigation – news Troms and Finnmark

On the night of Friday last week, a man in his 40s was shot dead after the police were called to the scene to assist the healthcare system. The incident happened in Lavangen in Troms. The next of kin have been appointed legal aid lawyers, one of whom has asked lawyer John Christian Elden. He says that he will follow the investigation closely and that some information is still missing. – It seems like a relatively excessive situation, but we do not know why this was allegedly necessary, says Elden. On Friday evening, Kripos was at the scene and took crime scene photos of the overturned police car and the wheel loader that the deceased is said to have been in. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news At the scene, a situation is said to have arisen that led to the police firing shots at the man. He is said to have been driving a wheel loader at the time. The case is now being investigated by the Special Unit with assistance from Kripos. The police officers were questioned on Friday and are said to be very affected by the incident. On Monday, investigative leader Halvor Hjelm-Hansen told news that there is no new information he can share. Elden assumes that the Bureau investigates the case like any other murder case. Does not want speculation He says it is not easy for the next of kin to be in this situation, especially since they receive little information. – What they have been informed about now is that the Bureau agrees that there are so-called “special reasons” in this case which mean that legal aid is needed and that a proper follow-up of the case is needed, so we will continue to work on that , says Elden. The incident in Lavangen has received a lot of attention and there are many rumours. The next of kin do not want speculation about what has happened in advance. – They want the investigation to produce results. The pictures show the wheel loader that the man is said to have been driving when he was shot by the police on the night of Friday 9 December. Video: Hanne Wilhelms / news Images from the scene show what appear to be at least 15 bullet holes in the door of the wheel loader. Elden believes it is important not to anticipate the outcome of the investigation, but he nevertheless believes that the number of shots fired should be a central question for the Bureau. – Why it was necessary to have emergency guards with 15 shots to get away, and if it was, that is a topic that needs to be decided on. Mayor of Lavangen municipality Hege Beate Rollmoen (Ap) has herself been lighting candles to remember the deceased. Photo: Ida Louise Rostad / news Several people have lit candles About 1,000 people live in the small municipality of Lavangen in Sør-Troms. Mayor Hege Beate Rollmoen (Ap) says that the local community has reacted with disbelief and shock. She also asks people to be careful with what they publish and say. – There are affected parties at both ends, and we must not forget that. Now bear in mind that there are people who read these messages that are posted. Rollmoen believes that the burden on the affected parties must not be increased by the way in which the case is discussed. Several have brought flowers and candles to remember the deceased. The mayor thinks it’s nice that people have somewhere they can go. Photo: Malin Straumnes / news In the aftermath of the incident, several people have placed flowers and lit candles at the man’s residence. – I think it’s very nice that people have a place where they can go and light a candle, it means something to be able to have a quiet moment for themselves.
