The fence will close the border between Poland and Belarus – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is an impressive construction. The fence stretched 186 kilometers through thick forest and marshland which is usually only inhabited by herds of buffalo. But last year, thousands of people from the Middle East started streaming into this desolate area on the EU’s eastern outer border. Polish and European authorities owed it to the leaders of Belarus and Russia to organize transport to the border area. Asylum seekers that news spoke to at the time said that they had been threatened and beaten with clubs if they refused to walk the last few meters into Poland. On the Polish side, there were several clashes between refugees and migrants and Polish border police. This was called a “hybrid war” because it was believed that Russia was trying to create a new refugee crisis and political unrest in the European Union in this way. Both Belarus and Russia have categorically rejected this. In any case, it was a dramatic situation on the border where at least 20 people froze to death in the winter cold. Polish authorities introduced a state of emergency, which prevented journalists and human rights organizations from reporting on the fates at the border. This is what the steel construction looks like up close. Photo: Radoslaw Dimitrow / news Fence built at record speed It has taken about half a year to build the fence, which Polish authorities believe is absolutely necessary to control the border. The fence is five and a half meters high and one and a half meters deep. Local people who live by the fence say that Andrzej is happy that there has now been a fence on the border. Photo: Radoslaw Dimitrow / news attempts have already been made to saw down the steel pillars and to dig tunnels. The border police and the Polish army therefore patrol the border frequently both along the ground and from the air by helicopter. Andrzej is relieved that a fence has now been installed. – It will not stop all the migrants, but it is of great help. That will at least prompt the border patrols to move out, he tells news. Border police to blame for human smuggling Spokeswoman for the border police, Katarzyna Zdanowicz, tells news that despite this, ten to fifteen people manage to cross the border every day. The reason is that parts of the border are so inaccessible that it is not practically possible to build a fence. Along parts of the border, a straggling river also runs in rugged terrain. Spokeswoman for the border police in the Podlasie region Katarzyna Zdanowicz. Photo: Radoslaw Dimitrow / news She also claims that the border police in Belarus engage in human smuggling: – Before, we used to patrol the border together with our colleagues in Belarus. The cooperation meant that we had very few illegal border crossings. But right now we have to be on guard against the border police in Belarus because they take an active part in human smuggling on the border, Zdanowicz told news. These debts reject Belarus. – The fence is a great help People at the border generally welcome the fence. In the border town of Kuznica, we meet Elżbieta at a convenience store located 50 meters from the border. – I am for the border fence. It prevents illegal border crossings and the border law must apply to everyone, she says. Daily life has returned to normal now that the state of emergency is over. Tourists can again visit the popular restaurants in the area.
