The father does not admit criminal guilt in Hordaland district court – news Vestland

Hordaland district court was seen on Monday morning. A man is charged with gross mistreatment of the boy in August 2022, shortly after the boy came to Norway for family reunification. The boy was 7 years old when he was found tied to a bed in his father’s flat with extensive injuries. The injuries would have been life-threatening, had he not received help. The man in his early 30s wore a large white bandage around his head in the courtroom and held his ear when the indictment was read out. He did not answer questions about whether he accepts criminal liability on the various charges. The interpreter understood that he did not wish to be transferred when state attorney Asbjørn Onarheim read out the indictment and went through the witness list. But afterwards, defense attorney Ahmad Taha said that he perceives that the defendant does not acknowledge criminal guilt following the indictment for gross mistreatment of the son. Penalty limit of 15 years The State Attorney pointed out that gross abuse in close relationships has a penalty limit of 15 years. The court must make a decision on what acts it is proven that the prosecution has carried out. In addition, they have to decide whether he is suitable or not. – It is the opinion of the prosecution that he is responsible, says state attorney Asbjørn Onarheim. State prosecutor Asbjørn Onarheim Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news – Shaking image Around 30 people will testify in the case. There are several crime technicians, police detectives and experts on duty. An arranged questioning of the offended party must also be played. The trial goes behind partially closed doors when a photo of the offended boy and other images that can be used to identify them are to be shown. The press is then banned from reporting, but is allowed to be present. The police found several hundred pictures on the accused’s mobile phone of the injured boy. – Several of the pictures are shocking, says Onarheim. Assistance lawyer May Britt Løvik is asking for compensation for the offended boy, and a permanent ban on contact. Assistant attorney May Britt Løvik and state attorney Asbjørn Onarheim. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news
