The fate of Fornebubanen is decided – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The demands were presented at a press conference at 9 pm. – We are asked to spend a lot of the money the community has available on only one project. It is demanding for the Labor Party in Oslo, introduced City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor). – Therefore, we can not support the construction of the Fornebu line without a number of requirements being met. Oslo bears too much of the financial responsibility. – The financial responsibility must be distributed more fairly, Johansen continued. ULTIMATE: Aps city council leader Raymond Johansen and group leader Andreas Halse demand that Viken take greater responsibility if the track is not to be shelved. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Kravliste Oslo Ap presented a list of demands on six points: Viken must take a clearly larger ownership share of Fornebubanen. This means that more of Viken’s share of the toll must go to Fornebubanen at the expense of other measures outside Oslo. Builders need to contribute more. The landowner contribution must increase. Landowner contributions from Fornebu must also be used in Oslo. The bay must take greater responsibility for future cost increases. Bærum must allow more housing construction at Fornebu to raise more money from developers and increase the passenger base for the track. Majorstua station must be rebuilt within Oslo Package 3 to ensure more departures on the subway also in Groruddalen. SV supports the demands towards Viken, but is not as clear that they will put their foot down if the demands are not met. Both parties point out that the large cost gaps mean that other important public transport projects for Oslo and the region have been put on hold for many years. SV is clear that the state must also pay more. And emphasizes: – Furthermore, it is highly reprehensible that the expansion of the E18 Western Corridor appears to be carried out, despite high costs and major environmental consequences, says group leader Ola Wolff Elvevold. Viken: – Demanding Viken county is critical of the requirements. GETS REQUIREMENTS: County councilor for finance in Viken, Edvin Søvik (Labor Party). Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – It is demanding that the Oslo Labor Party now comes up with new demands for an agreement they themselves have been involved in negotiating. This is what the county council for finance, Edvin Søvik, says. – It is difficult to relate to the fact that new demands are being made one month after the Oslo Package 3 negotiations were concluded. – We still want to come up with a solution that secures public transport in the capital area and cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, says Søvik. He emphasizes, however, that it is not an option to renegotiate the main lines of the toll package Oslo package 3 now. – We now need some time to assess and look more closely at what is actually proposed, before we decide what we do next, says Søvik. MDG diplomatic The third city council party MDG has taken a clear stand for Fornebubanen. It has been speculated what consequences a split between the parties will have for city council cooperation. UNDERSTANDS THE REQUIREMENTS: MDG’s group leader in Oslo City Council, Eivind Trædal. Photo: NRK Group leader Eivind Trædal (MDG) chooses to be diplomatic. – I think it is constructive that the Labor Party recognizes that this is an important project. Both they and SV have raised some quite understandable wishes to Viken that go to the core of the discussion, namely how the costs will be distributed in the future. Now the city council parties must sit down with each other and Viken and clarify the way forward, says Trædal. Three million per. meters The last billion crack has given several parties cold feet. The price for an eight-kilometer metro between Majorstua in Oslo and Fornebu in Bærum is up to NOK 26.4 billion. The Progress Party, the People’s Party FNB (formerly the Toll Party) and the Center Party have all said that they want to scrap the path. Red says no This afternoon, Red followed. The party points out that funding is still highly uncertain and that the billion-dollar gap that is now known is probably not the last. – Red Oslo is not in principle against Fornebubanen, but has always prioritized other projects. This is what the leader of Rødt Oslo, Siavash Mobasheri, says. Among other things, they are building a metro to Romerike, a new Majorstua station and a new city center tunnel for the metro. NO TO FORNEBUBANEN: Red and group leader Eivor Evenrud. Photo: Anders Fehn / NRK On the road side, the party will build Trondheimsveien in Groruddalen, cover the E6 in Groruddalen and build an environmental tunnel at Manglerud. – Had it been up to us, we would also have scrapped the new E18 and built a public transport. We hope the state finally also sees that it is the wisest choice now, says group leader in the city council, Eivor Evenrud. Evenly MDG, Høyre, Venstre and KrF will continue to build the course. They need one vote in Oslo City Council to have a majority. READY: City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) on his way to the group meeting in Oslo City Hall. Photo: Artur do Carmo / NRK The Labor Party has convened a press conference about its view on the matter at 21.00. It was originally set for at. 18.30, but was postponed. SV decides whether they want to scrap the track or continue construction later tonight. A joker in the game about the court is Danny Chaudhry. The breakaway from the Toll Party tells Avisa Oslo on Monday afternoon that he has not actually decided. – For now, I’m a little unsure. I have to read everything and think about it a bit, says Chaudhry. EIGHT KILOMETERS: The price of Fornebubanen including stations has exceeded three million kroner per. meters. The toll price increases What has also sent the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party into the think tank is, among other things, the fear that the Fornebu line will become so expensive that other important public transport measures in the Oslo area must give way. Fornebubanen is the largest and most expensive project in the large transport package for the Oslo area, Oslo package 3. The tolls everyone who drives a car in Oslo or into the city pays to finance the package. In April, Oslo, Viken and the state agreed to increase toll rates by about 40 per cent on average. Much of the toll increase goes to pay for Fornebubanen.
