– The family reacted strongly – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: • Vestfold crematorium has received criticism for using a hired van to transport the dead to cremation in Skien.• The car can be filled with up to eight coffins per trip, and next of kin have not been informed about this practice.• Several funeral homes were either unaware of this, and has described the transport method as “unfortunate” and “undignified”.• This is because the Vestfold crematorium is undergoing renovation, and they have taken on the task of transporting the dead to Skien to avoid layoffs.• Some funeral homes now want to take back the transport job, even if it means they have to drive to Skien.• Vestfold crematorium has opened the door for the funeral parlors to take care of the transport themselves. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. On Tuesday, news reported that Vestfold crematorium uses a hired van to transport the dead to cremation in Skien. On some trips, the car is filled with eight coffins, but next of kin have never been informed. The van has also been stopped by the Swedish Road Administration because the car was overweight. Had to tell relatives Several funeral homes in Vestfold tell news that they were not familiar with van transport and call the method “unfortunate” or “unworthy”. – I have become very fed up, says John Haugland at Bøe Begravelsesbyrå in Sandefjord. He believes this is a breach of trust. John Haugland at Bøe funeral home believes that the temporary solution with a hired van is not sustainable. Photo: Fredrik Hansen / news When news meets him at the office, a meeting with a family planning a cremation has just ended. At this meeting, the next of kin learned for the first time about the coffin transport by van. – The family reacted strongly to this. They did not think this was a good way to transport mother. A mother is a mother, even if she is dead and laid in a coffin, says Haugland. Will do it myself The reason why the dead are cremated in Skien is renovations at the Vestfold crematorium. Usually it is a stretcher from a funeral home that transports the dead to the crematorium, but during the rebuilding, Vestfold Crematorium has taken on the task of transporting the deceased to the crematorium in Skien. One of the reasons why they do not close the crematorium in Vestfold completely is to avoid redundancies during the months when the rebuilding takes place. Several of the funeral parlors in Vestfold that news has spoken to now want to take back the transport job, even if they have to drive to Skien. – We will now do everything we can to be able to drive to the crematorium ourselves, states Haugland. – But don’t you earn more money if you are responsible for the transport job to Skien yourself? – Yes, that’s right, but with the hand on the heart, this is not about finances, but that it should be proper and dignified, he replies. – Solution for more users Vestfold crematorium allows the funeral parlors to take care of the transport themselves. – You can choose which crematorium you want, but you only get transport allowance for the nearest crematorium. And as long as we are open, we are the closest, says general manager Monika Holm Svinsholt. Monika Holm Svinsholt is general manager at Vestfold crematorium. Photo: Private – Do you understand the criticism that has come, or is this the best and most practical solution anyway? – We considered several alternatives, but wanted as few changes as possible in relation to normal operation, and therefore chose this solution. It is a solution other crematoriums also use. – We treat all coffins with respect and dignity, but I can understand that, based on the way this is presented, it can be experienced differently, Svinsholt replies. Published 14.06.2024, at 12.26 Updated 14.06.2024, at 12.40 p.m
