The extreme weather in the USA and Canada affects entire neighborhoods – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The residents of the poor neighborhood could hardly believe their eyes when they woke up on Tuesday morning. The coveted houses along the shores of Lake Erie in Ontario, Canada were completely covered in thick, thick ice. – The ice must be at least 30 cm thick. It’s almost unbelievable, says Derek Tupling, who has lived by the beach for several years, to CTV News Toronto. A house along Crystal Beach on Lake Erie, Toronto, Canada. Photo: Nick Iwanyshyn / APEit house along Crystal Beach on Lake Erie, Toronto, Canada. Photo: Nick Iwanyshyn / AP Water from the lake, which is located on the border between the USA and Canada, has joined the strong winds thrown towards the land, and frozen on external walls, roofs, doors and windows. – I have never seen weather like this before. The waves must have been at least four meters high, says Tupling to the website. – Like a war zone The extreme weather in the USA and Canada in the last week has led to enormous destruction and loss of human life. The news agency Reuters wrote on Wednesday that at least 60 people have lost their lives in the USA due to the bitter cold and heavy rainfall in recent days. The worst has been in the county of Erie in New York, where, among other things, the big city of Buffalo is located. A house in Buffalo is completely covered in ice and snow. Photo: AA/ABACA / AbacaA house in Buffalo is completely covered in ice and snow. Photo: AA/ABACA / Abaca – We expect the number of dead to increase, wrote the mayor of the city, Byron Brown on Twitter. Buffalo has been nearly paralyzed for five days due to waist-high snow and several power outages. Several people who have tried to flee from the extreme weather have been trapped in their cars along the motorway, due to the huge amounts of snow. The mayor has received strong criticism from the residents of the city. They think he was too late with emergency preparedness before the storm. The city is wet with snowy weather, but not like this, one would believe those who live there: – It’s like a war zone. This is the blizzard of the century, says Kathy Hochul, governor of New York. She was born and raised in Buffalo. Buffalo is not the only city in New York where the storm has ravaged. At Lake Erie in Hamburg, New York, a house hides under the ice masses. Photo: LINDSAY DEDARIO / Reuters The ice is thought to protect Several towns, smaller and larger cities that are close to Lake Erie have suffered greatly from the storm. Among them is the city of Hamburg in the state of New York, which in American terms is a relatively small city, with its 50,000 inhabitants. December 26, Hamburg, New York, A woman stands shoveling snow from a broken tree outside her home in Hamburg, New York. The picture was taken on Boxing Day. Photo: LINDSAY DEDARIO / Reuters Hoak’s Lakeshore restaurant, among other things, ended up under a thick layer of ice. Owner Kevin Holt tells the newspaper Newsbreak that he believes the ice has protected the restaurant. – Amazingly, nothing has been destroyed. Not the window, not the new floor. The only thing I’m worried about is the car park outside. And then I’m excited about how it affects the foundation when everything melts. Meter-long icicles hang from the ceiling of Hoak’s Lakeshore restaurant in Hamburg, New York. Photo: LINDSAY DEDARIO / Reuters A cyclone bomb Before Christmas, state meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe explained that what has been seen in the USA and Canada in the last week is something called a “cyclone bomb”. – It is a very cold wind from the north, which does not hit either mountain ranges or warm seas. The wind can therefore flow freely down the USA, said Walløe. In New York, the temperature was expected to drop by nearly 30 degrees in less than a day. Walløe called the storm historic.
