The EU will propose a price cap on Russian gas – Latest news – news

7 September 2022 at 12:36 The EU will propose a price ceiling on Russian gas The European Commission will propose a price ceiling on Russian gas, in addition to a number of other measures to meet the energy crisis. This is what European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says at a press conference on Wednesday. – We will propose a price ceiling on Russian gas. We must cut Russia’s income, which Putin uses to finance the terrible war in Ukraine, she said. She also used the opportunity to point out that the EU countries are already moving away from Russian oil and gas and pointed out that Norway now supplies more gas to the Union than Russia does. – Our work produces results. When the war started, large Russian gas accounted for 40 percent of imports. Now that share is down to 9 percent, von der Leyen pointed out. – These are difficult times, but I am convinced that the Europeans have the economic strength, the political will and the unity that allows us to retain the upper hand. The other proposals from the European Commission to meet the energy crisis are: – To introduce an income cap for companies that produce electricity at low costs. – Setting a target to reduce the consumption of energy during hours when a lot of electricity is used. – Introduce a solidarity contribution from oil and gas companies. – Ensure that power producers receive support to deal with unrest in the markets.
