The entire Norwegian power grid is publicly available – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February this year, it has become more relevant than ever to look at the vulnerability of critical societal functions in Norway. Among other things, it is about things that we cannot do without for a long time. Like food, water and electricity. Norway’s power supply is seen as a possible sabotage target. Anyone who wishes can still find a lot of information about our power supply on the websites of the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE). Completely without the use of drones or other advanced aids that have been in focus recently. Information available on the website tells, among other things, where transformer stations are located, what they look like, where the power lines go and coordinates for exact location. Overview map of the power grid and developed substations. Photo: Screenshot from NVE – A vulnerability Head teacher in intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy, Tom Røseth, is critical of the fact that information about the Norwegian power grid is so readily available. He believes it is a dilemma because it can be important to inform in peacetime. – While in wartime or a time of crisis, this can be exploited by a malicious actor. It is a challenge and a possible vulnerability for the network to Norway, says Røseth. Tom Røseth, head teacher in intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy. Photo: Defense He believes that the information can be used, among other things, for cyber attacks and hybrid warfare and that drones or sabotage can knock out parts of our power grid. Røseth refers to Ukraine, where cold is used as a weapon in war today. It is done to influence the civilian population, so that it will in turn influence the decision-makers to enter into compromises with Russia, he says. – The same can happen in a crisis or war situation in Norway, where winter is coming. Thinks transparency should be reconsidered Just a few days ago, the National Security Authority said it had revealed plans to knock out the Norwegian power grid. Not recently, but throughout history. With a tense situation in Europe, Røseth believes it is important to reassess transparency in precisely important infrastructure. – Therefore, it is important to increase security to ensure that this is not exploited by malicious actors, he says. – Should this information be removed from NVE’s websites? – It should be considered seriously. And it may be that vulnerabilities are revealed through this information and it must be assessed against what is otherwise available, says Røseth. Considering removing information Eldri Holo is head of the section for preparedness in NVE. She explains that the information is out there because they have a responsibility both to share information, but also to shield information. – For example, we must ensure that processes around license processing are handled in a good and democratic way. Eldri Holo, head of the section for preparedness in the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news Holo emphasizes that not all information about the power system is out there. – It requires insight into a number of other things as well in order to actually have sufficient detailed information about the power system. NVE is working with other authorities to take the right measures in the current situation, she says. – This also applies if we have to tighten up on what information we share. – So that means that it may be appropriate to remove some of this information? – We are considering whether we should be stricter than we were in what was the normal situation before February, says Holo.
