The electricity price goes down after several days in a row with a record – Latest news – news

30 August 2022 at 13:11 The electricity price drops after several days in a row with a record In south-east, south-west and west Norway, the average price for electricity will be NOK 5.87 per kilowatt hour (kWh) on Wednesday. It is a decline after several days of new price records. The maximum price in the three price areas will be NOK 6.85, the electricity exchange Nord Pool reports on its website. Wednesday’s average price per kWh is 5.73 øre lower than Tuesday, when the 24-hour price in the south, east and west was a record high NOK 6.45. At the same time, Wednesday’s price will be NOK 4.78 higher than on the same day last year. In addition to the spot price of electricity, there is a consumption tax (15.41 øre per kWh), a fee for Enova (1 øre per kWh) and any surcharge from the electricity companies. On top of it all, a value added tax of 25 per cent is added, and the online rent comes separately. The maximum price on Wednesday of NOK 6.85 occurs between 8 and 9 in the morning. It is 9.6 øre lower than Tuesday and NOK 5.49 higher than the same day last year. The minimum price will be NOK 4.99 per kWh between 2pm and 3pm. (NTB)
